
” Barristi Alirron CA Its. -1950/51,” A. 11. ‘Atkins. Foreword by Raymond Mays. (George Ronald, 2, Alfred Sireet. Orford. 128 pp., is. 6d.) ThiS is another book listing all the British proditction ears, like a sort of directory of unobtainable desirables. Unobtainable as new ears are to us, they are in big demand at in and so it is presumably at our friends overseas that his book is aimed. We can tell them that il is the best yet., and nicely got up: I uying it is probably, more ceonomical anyway than writing for catalogues to each of the 36 manufacturers whose p ‘oducts it, covers, it, gives two pictures of most models of every make on the market, is bang tip to date with a supplement on the Mad Coosul and Zephyr. Marauder, sports Cooper and Lanehester Fourteen, and has other pictures of fart:4)6es, ears anal the B.R.M. Also a list of British manufacturers’ addresses and telephone numbers (whether oversews buyers will need the latter is debatable !) and a Foreword by Raymond Mays. Criticism is confined to a sense of annoyaoce at advertisements mingled with the text and inclusion of the sports Alvis Fourteen for the new 3-litre. Buy this book. if you are about to buy a British car, or if you have a rather unsophisticated nephew in need of a Christmas present. Incidentally, it was advertising matter -alma this Imolt which case:Weil front a 1mi-flying Miles Gemini during a race at Brands Hatch—very ‘naughty. The dust jacket showing the Earls Court Show is beautiful, but as the book is about. British cars it, is unfortunate that the stands of Latiein uti u,t Paekar4I

are the most. prominent B.