Reports of Recent Events., December 1948


Reports of Recent Events


The Grand Prix at Monza on October 17th was a complete walk-over for the AIfette team. Wimille won at 109.98 m.p.h. after a drive lasting 2 hr. 50 min. 44.2 sec.; 42.8 sec. later Trossi crossed the line, followed 57.2 sec. afterwards by Samesi, and Taruffi a lap behind—Alfas 1, 2, 8, 4. Ascari’s 4 cmpts Maserati was fifth, Chaboud’s Talbot sixth, Bucci’s Maserati seventh, Harrison’s E.R.A. eighth, and Ashmore’s Maserati ninth. Fastest lap was Sa nesi’s 60th, at 110.95 m.p.h. The first three Alfa-Ronaeos home were the high-boost cars, each with a

single exhaust pipe. Retirements : Sommer (Ferrari), fatigue ; Brooke (4 CTL/48 Maserati), fuel feed and overheating ; Parnell (4 CTL/48 Maserati), engine ; Villoresi (Maserati), Farina (Ferrari), transmission ; Chiron (Talbot), gasket. Before the race previous winners opened the new circuit : Salamano, Chiron, Nuvolari, Fagioli, Caracciola and Stuck. Of these, only Chiron competed.


F.T.D. was made, as stated in the November issue, by Onslow-Bartlett’s Mercury, in 28.06 sec., beating Tony Crook’s blown ” 2.9 ” Alfa-Romeo by

0.02 sec. Other class winners were : Hartwell’s saloon Sunbeam-Talbot, Lt.Cmdr. Kidston’s Lancia saloon, Coles’ M.G., Helps’ Morgan “4/4,” Crook’s B.M.W., Parker’s Jaguar, Buckler’s Buckler and Mrs. Jesty’s Allard.


Wick won the Knott Cup in his Allard and Roberts’ Allard took the Visitors’ Cup, while McAlpine’s Al’ard won the Ship Cup as best member of the organising club. The Team Prize was won by the N.W. London M.C. team—Potter, Appleton and Burgess (Allards). First-class awards : Potter (Allard), Appleton (Allard), Price (Price), Readings (Lancia) and Onslow-Bartlett (Mercury). Secondclass awards : Buncombe (H.R.G.), Burgess (Allard), Faulkner (Mercury), and

Jesty (Darracq-Nash). The contest between the W. Hants & D.C.C. and Bristol M.C. & L.C.C. was won by the former.


Only three of the pre-1905 cars made clean ascents of Burrington Cornbe. The winner proved to-be Pierpont’s 1004 Mors. Brian Morgan’s 1904 de Dion was second and L. I. Martin’s 1900 de Dion third. Oliver’s 1902 Panhard was a non-starter, due to ignition mishaps, and during the run Field’s 1902 Hamer overheated, upset its carburation and blew its silencer. Lawson’s 1904 Tony Huber broke its crankshaft and Smith’s 1898 Star retired only half-a-mile from the finish. Taylor’s 1904 Peugeot overheated, but Hutton Stott’s 1903 Lanchester had a trouble-free run, four up.


This was a quite exceptional event. Not only was there loud-speaker control at the start, free beer and cigarettes for competitors en route, radio link between the special tests so that drivers could be told their times for a pre .ious test on arrival at the next, and mobile canteen, but printed results were issued within three hours of the finish. Eighty-nine entries were received. Ken Wharton drove his Wharton Special magnificently, to gain first place and the High Peak Trophy. Clegg’s Clegg Special won the Visitors’ Prize, taking second place.. Hankins’ Ford was third and Wise fourth. The Lancashire and Cheshire C.C. won the Team Award. Heighway (Dellow Special) and Wise (C.W.S.) won Challenge Trophies, Mallock (Ausford) the Hutton Shield, Buckler (Buckler) the M.C.C. Award, Rawlings (Rawlings) the Sunbac Award, Gray (Gray) the Y.S.C.C. Award, and Murray (G.H. Special) the Novices’ Award. First-class Awards : Hanldns, Burgess (Allard), Onslow-Bartlett (Mercury), Holt (G.R.H.), Thompson (Ford) and Holt (Holt).


Forty-seven entries were received and only eight non-started. The hills proved fairly easy and in the Special Tests Birkett and Yeats tied in the first and in the next Kempe-Roberts (Allard) was fastest in 13.2 sec., Rumfitt (M.G.) taking 13.3 sec. and Birkett (Austin) and Yeats (FordAustin) 13.7 sec. Birkett won the Cup in his Austin Seven Special, which has a 1931 engine with Terry ” Aero ” valve springs, a Whatmough-Hewett head (weighing 7 11). less than the iron head), 18-rum. plugs fired by a Scintilla Vertex magneto, “Nippy ” inlet manifold with Ford Eight downdraught carburetter fed by an S.U. pump, lightened flywheel, ” Ulster ” exhaust manifold and threepoint mounting. The frame is a ” Ruby ” With 1936 rear springs, 1931 4.9-to-1 crown-wheel and pinion, L.M.B. i.f.s., widened front axle, 1937 Girling brakes, double clutch springs and a remotecontrol ” 65 ” gearbox ; 3.25 by 18 front and 140 by 40 Oxborrow retread tyres at the rear were used. Frost did well to win the opposite class in his home-bodied Allard, as this was his first car trial—T.T. rider Daniels was his navigator. Edwards (Austin) won the Walsingham Cup, Yates, Day and Oxendale the Team Award, Firstclass Awards going to Yates (FordAustin), Day (H.R.G.), Rumfitt (M.G.) and Oxendale (H.R.G.), and Second-class Awards to Tucker-Peake (M.G.), Readings (Lancia), Selley (M.G.), Yeats (FordAustin) and Faulkner (Mercury). Only retirement was Lawson’s H.R.G., but Quick’s M.G. finished with a broken halfshaft. Yates had two S.U.s on his Ford Ten engine and a raised compression-ratio to aid his ” Chummy ” Austin Seven. Chappell carried ballast weights on the back of his Ford V8 coupe, Arklay’s A.C. Six-Frazer-Nash ran a big-end before the start, Adamson drove a fairly standard 1984 two-seater Austin Seven, Jeanes a fine ” 20/60 ” F.I.A.T. which wouldn’t even look at mud, which also applied to Freed’s Sunbeam-Talbot and Luekhurst’s “Tiger “M.G. Miss Logsdon and girl passenger did very well in their

first trial in a three-speed Austin Seven two-seater. At Cotman’s Ash very good ascents were made by Chiles (Austin Seven), Pentony (M.G.), Readings (Lancia), while Wicks (Riley-Special) was outstanding. Symons (Austin Seven) went well until the final hump, where it was deemed to have stopped momentarily, Nicholas’ sick M.G. also failed here, Oxendale’s H.R.G. grounded twice but succeeded, but Willis’ Riley saloon failed early, as did Freed, who drove his Sunbeam-Talbot badly. Lawson blipped his H.R.G. up, Rivers handled his Wolseley carefully and very well indeed, but Kempe-Roberts stopped his Allard on the hump.


The M.C.C. Sporting Trial at Buxton was the expected success. The hills included such old favourites as Jenkins’ Chapel, Taddington Moor, Litton Slack and Bamford Clough. There were the usual unfortunates, Ginn’s Ford saloon having back-axle trouble, Dargue’s B.M.W. losing vital cylinders, and Ross’ 1,100-c.c. H.R.G. suffering fuel-feed trouble. Christmas (M.G.) made fastest time in the Special Test. Results

PRRSIDENT’S PRIV& (best performance) : R. E. Holt (3,622-c.c. Ford Special). CAPTAIN’S PRIZE AND CoMMITTES PRIZE (tie for

runners-up) : K. E. 0. Burgess (3,917-c.c. Allard) and J. H. Appleton (3,917-c.c. Allard).

TEAM A wARD : K. B. 0. Burgess, L. Potter and J. H. Appleton (all 3,917-c.c. Allards). Runnersup : K. A. Scales (1,796-c.c. MAI.), G. R. Holt (1,172-c.c. G.R.H. Special) and R. B. Holt (3,e’22c.c. Ford).

PREMIER AWARDS : L. J. Onslow-Bartlett (3,917-c.c. Mercury Special), K. C. Delingpole (1,496-c.c. R.R.G.), R.. W. Merrick (1,172-c.c. Dellow), E. J. Newton (1,497-c.c. H.R.G.), G. R. Holt (1.172-c.c. G.R.H. Special), It. B. Holt (3,622-c.c. Ford Special), C. Corbishley (1,172-c.c. C.C.S.), H. W. Morgan (1,172-c.c. Ford Special), A. S. Pearce (3,622-c.c. Ford), K. E. 0. Burgess (3,917c.c. Allard), J. II. Appleton (3,917-c.c. Allard), Ken Wharton (I,190-c.c. Wharton). SEColD-CLAss Awmans : B. H. Brown (3,622-c.c. Ford Special), F. Morrie: (1,498-c.c. Frazer-Nash), It. J. P. Morley (1,991-c.c. A.C.), M. Wick (4,000c.c. Allard), C. A. N. May (3,622-c.c. Ford Special)

G. N. Mansell (3,917-c.c. Allard Special), R.B. Lowe (1,172-c.c. Dellow), A. M. Beardahaw (1,172-c.c. A.M.B. Special), A. R. Priestley (1,172-c.e. Harley Special), R. W. Christnuts (939-c.c. MA!.), W. A. G. Goodall (1,267-c.e. Morgan), P. H. G. Morgan (1,122-c.c. Morgan), H. C. Roberts (3,917-c.c. Allard), P. Scott (1,496-c.c. R.R.G.), J. V. S. Brown (1 496-c.c. H.R.G.), G. G. H. Couzena (939-c.c. M.G.), B. V. Woodall (1,172-c.c. Wolford), L. Potter (3,917-e.c. Allard Special), IL Clayton (I,172-c.c. Clayton Special), S. S. Turner (3,622c.c. Allard), B. Fitzwater (847-c.c. M.G.).

Tantn-CLitss AWARDS: W. J. Haward (1,496-c.c. Baylis-Thomas), A. 0. Gosnell (1,500-c.c.

H. W. Burman (1,760-c.c. Lea-Francis), C. H. Richardson (939-c.c. M.0.), W. L. T. Winder (1,172-c.c. Austin), H. F. Brayshaw (4,086-c.c. Humber), S. M. Frost (1,089-e.c. Riley), W. P. Rhodes (1,609-c.c. Standard), J. 1S1. Toulmin (1,292-e,c. MA!.), K. Settles (1,706-c.c. M.G.), A. W. Morrish (939-c.c. M.G.), S. C. Clarke (1,074c.c. H.L0.) 11. J. R. Ross (1,100-c.c. H.R.G.), C. D. F. Buckler (1,172-c.c. Buckler), C. F. Ormsby (1,203-c.c. Vauxhall), D. S. Wood-Dow (1,074.0.0. H.R.G.), R. A. Hellvar (1,493-c.c. Singe/.

No AWARD: CI. Dracup (095-c.c. F.I.A.T. , J. H. Manahan (747-c.c. Austin), H. J. Harrison (907-c.c.

Jowett), J. W. Fowler (1,496-c.c. W. Woolard (4,086-c.c. Railton), T. W. Dargue (1,911-c.c. Frazer-Nash B.M.W.).

RIrrIRED: D. S. Gum (3,621-c.c. Ford), S. Asbury (1,172-c.c. Austin), G. Hoyle (1,122-c.c. Ausford).


The championship was won by Haley’s Fotd V8, in 21.8 sec. for the quarter-mile. Class winners : M.G., Singer, Ford Ten, Riley Sixteen, and 1911 Daimler.


In this event Tyrer (B.M.W.) made best performance and won the Player Bowl. Best (M.G.) took the 1,100-c.c. Challenge Cup, May (Ford) the 2,000-c.c. Challenge Cup, Zillwood (Riley) the Horace Poulton Cup, the Team Award going to Goodall, Morgan and Delingpole (two ” 4/4 ” Morgans and an H.R.G.).



The last Grand Prix of the season was an interesting race. The Ferraris driven by ” Bira,” Farina and Pola all retired, leaving Villoresi’s Maserati to win, at 89.44 m.p.h. (2 h. 10 min. 12 s.) for the 193-4 miles. But he was hard pressed by Parnell, also in one of the latest Maseratis, who made a better pit-stop, and finished second, at 89.12 m.p.h. Chiron drove non-stop into third place in a Lago-Talbot, at 87.21 m.p.h., Rosier being fourth, Harrison’s B/C E.R.A. fifth, and Ashmore’s 4CLT/48 Maserati sixth. Villoresi set the lap record to 94.17 m.p.h., beating his 1946 record by 2.58 m.p.h. Brooke crashed his newtype Maserati after a lap, Ascari’s Maserati had blower trouble and Gerard’s E.R.A. was unplaced, due to a long pitstop.


Wharton’s irrepressible Ford Tenengined Wharton Special won the Vesey Cup, making best time in the test which decided the result. Burgess’ supercharged Burgess was second fastest and won the Carless Cup. Rawlings’ 1,172c.c. Rawlings took the Watson Gwynne Bowl, the Sunbac A-team (Wharton, Burgess, Newton) the Team Award, while First-class Awards were secured by Newton (H.R.G.), Clegg (Clegg), Merrick (Dellow), Best (M.G.) and Morrish (M.G.).


Subject to confirmation, L. Chinetti broke the International Class E one hour, 200 kilo and 100 mile records on November 3rd, driving an unsupercharged 2-litre V12 two-seater Ferrari. The new speeds are, respectively, 125.966, 126.299 and 126.337 m.p.h.


Frost, with his neat home-bodied Allard, won the Hunt Trophy, but Leonard Potter, in his special Allard, won the trial outright.


Price (Price Special) won the Trophy and C. A. N. May (Ford V8) the Dryden Cup. Lawson’s H.R.G. took the C. L. Jay Cup, Onslow Bartlett’s Mercury the Committee Cup, while the Team

Prize was won by Appleton, Burgess and Potter, in their Allards. Firstclass Awards : Birkett (Austin), Brown (Ford Special), Faulkner (Mercury)„ Wooton (Austin) and French (Austin). Second-class Awards : Burgess (Allard), Reading (Lancia), Dargue (B.M.W.), Biggs (H.R.G.), Buckler (Buckler) and Potter (Allard).