Accessories at Earls Court


Accessories at Earls Court

Far from providing relief from the “madding crowd,” the gallery stands at the Motor Show attracted as much attention as the other exhibits. Amongst exhibits of special interest to MOTOR SPORT readers, Automotive Products, Ltd., showed how the new Percolator Micronic oil filter could be adapted to any engine either for full or by-pass filtering. They also showed the famous Zero-Lash hydraulic self-adjusting tappets, and Thompson steering-rod assemblies which, taking up wear automatically, should especially appeal to builders of special cars. Borg and Beck had exhibits of their clutches, as used on over 70 per cent. of British vehicles, these ranging from of to 11 in. dia., and able to handle from 38 lb. ft. to 600 lb. ft. It was also possible to understand the functioning of the Lockheed hydraulic brake system and to learn how it provides the well-known smooth, powerful and even braking, by examining the sectional units on the Lockheed stand.

Ferodo brake and clutch linings, which have helped so many racing cars to victory this year, were backed-up by the intriguing Ferodo braketesting meters, efficiency indicators, fan-belts, etc., while Galling, Ltd., exhibited shock-absorbers, strut-type dampers, brake mechanisms and chassis lubrication systems in great profusion.

Lodge Plugs, Ltd., showed a sober but impressive display of sparking plugs equally at home in touring and racing engines, from the C3 to the R51 and R53. These plugs use the famous Sintox insulators and the racing versions, identified by two red bands Immediately above the metal body in the case of the R51 and three bands for the R53, have revolutionised racing by being suitable for both warming-up and racing. Lodge can service used racing plugs at a moderate charge.

Joseph Lucas, Ltd., had a continual stream of Show visitors, for their stand was well fitted out with demonstrations of working components, while lamps, horns, batteries and screen wipers, etc., were there to suit every taste and purse. The Notek Company, Ltd., showed not only their wellestablished fog lamps, but the new Speedmaster lamp, a useful magnetic inspection lamp, a compact bubble side lamp and a variety of switches.

Those in search of increased fuel economy—and who is not ?—found an attractive range of oilcoils, together with such electrical accessories as radiatortap immersion heaters, burglar alarms, electric soldering tongs, etc., on the stand of Runbaken Electrical Products. In the Tyre Section, Dtmlop showed their new Fort and Dunlop tyres, backed by Cushion and Sports types, and Norman Freeman was present to discuss tyres for racing cars. On the ground floor the go-ahead Junior Car Club, the membership of which has increased by leaps and bounds recently, had a stand on which photographs of its races and competition events, model racing cars, badges and publications were displayed. 0( Of