
0.41.0),44(.00 JAGUETTE versus M.G.


I read with interest the letter of Mr. W. H. Kingsbury in the October issue, with reference to the Jaguette-Special, and the comparison with the Leonard Magnette. I note that the comparison of times at Stanmer Park is made on the handicap class. In the 1,500-c.c. class the Magnette’s time was 59.23 see., a difference of 2.25 sec., which is considerably better than the 0.11 see. quoted by Mr. Kingsbury. Further, the term ” stripped ” as applied to the M.G. is not correct, as the car complies with normal road regulations, and was driven to and from the course, the “stripping ” consisting of a light two-seater body in alloy, and cycle-type alloy wings, lighting and starting as standard, standard batteries and spare wheel, so that the car can hardly be termed “stripped.”

As the person who has been mainly responsible for the tuning and preparation of this very successful car, I would suggest that the Jaguette, with a capacity of 2,664 c.c. and a boost of 6 lb., against the 1,408 c.c. and 6 lb. boost of the Magnette, should have been far better than the M.G., all other things being equal, and maintain that the original N-type takes some beating for performance, when tuned by the right mechanic, and driven by the right driver. Apologising for this lengthy epistle, I am, Yours, etc.,

S. F. LEGG. London, S.E.19.

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