

With deep regret we record the death of F/Lt. John Seth-Smith, a test pilot to Fairey Aviation. He was flying a Fairey “Firefly” fighter over London when the aircraft commenced to break up. Probably to save crashing in a crowded area, Seth-Smith made no attempt to leave the cockpit until later, and he was only partially out when the “Firefly” dived into the ground at Barnes. Such a brave deed was typical of John. He loved action and adventure, and died as he had lived. The veteran car movement is much the poorer for his going. No greater instance of his enthusiasm need be given than that, while never seeking credit for so doing, he used a 1913 “Alphonso” HispanoSuiza for his daily travel; because he liked this form of motoring. Some years ago he had a very trying journey in a Vintage S.C.C. Welsh rally with a 1908 single-cylinder Sizaire-Naudin, for which effort he was given a special award.

A further sense of acute loss is engendered by news of the death of Lionel Martin. As Creator of the Bamford and Martin Aston-Martin and, of later years, a very regular and active official at B.A.R.C. meetings, Martin was known to us all. His delightful accounts of the Sport in the early twenties appeared not very long ago in Motor Sport, together with his even earlier motoring experiences. Lionel Martin was also keen on cycling and up till very recently remained a hard rider. His excellent work for the R.A.C. is well enough known to his colleagues. He will be missed by a very big circle of friends indeed, all of whom will join us in offering Mrs. Martin profound sympathy.