WE HEAR . . . .


WE HEAR . . a II

Congratulations to Laurence Pomeroy, Junior. who was married to Miss Elsie Tee at Marlborough last month. Gordon Wilkins was bast man and amongst the guests were Sam Clidton and Forrest Lyeett, who came from London in the 8-litre Bentley, and Peter and Ariel (lark, who came in the Le Mans II.R.G. While operating the Editorial Gwymie we have observed several really fast motors in use, notably a Frazer-Nash, a 328 B.M.W., and an S.S. 100 in Esher one Sunday, and a 41-litre Lagonda ” Rapide,” 328 B.M.W., Riky ” M.P.H.,” old-type Bentley, and Aston-Martin on the Portsmouth Road, and a V12 Lagonda, 2-litre Lagonda and V12 Rolls-Royce near the Hartford Bridge Mats. If you are in Farnham, pause to worship the very fine 4i-litre blower Bentley four-seater at the T.T. Garage. We know of an Anzani Frazer-Nash, apparently of fairly late date, which has been crashed with sonic detriment to body and front works, at a certain garage which would sell it for about 220. II. L. Biggs has been suffering from muscular trouble in his bands and all who read his recent articles will wish him a speedy recovery. Anthony Heal and J. L. Wyer recently went up to Wolverhampton to meet Perkins, the well-known Sunbeam racing mechanic.