

A usTIN ; Nippy, just fitted new bearings, pistons, high-compression gasket, very potent engine. Details and price to lan Howitt, ” Thatch,” Wollaton Park, Nottingham. Nottingham 7050.

ALLARD Special 2-seater. This car is one of the latest of its type and has competed successfully at, Lewes, Prescott, Blackpool Rally and many trials. Total mileage under 5,000 and whole car in perfect condition. Fully equipped for road use with hood, screen, dual wipers, good lights and effective mudguards. High axle ratio, Scintilla magneto, special exhaust system. Hosts of spares including two 7.50 x 10 Goodyear Covers hardly marked. Definitely does 20 m.p.g. and ha.s remarkable performance even on pool. Price and details from, K. Hutchison, Vale house, Fronsloun Vale, Lower Bourne, Parnliani, Surrey.