
The Vintage Sports Car Club Cotswold Trial, on November 28th, attracted an entry of thirty-one, all members of the Club, including a few associate members on non-vintage machines. The majority, however, drove motors made before 1931, and competition tyres or other non-standard forms of wheel-wear were forbidden, as usual.

Little of excitement happened on most of the hills, but on Ferriscourt, Clive Windsor-Richards failed to pursue the prescribed path and removed his front axle, in toto, on a large obstacle. It was found impossible to drive the car effectively without a front axle and Windsor-Richards therefore retired from the contest. A very sporting gesture was that of Hamilton-Moore, who at once abandoned the trial, to stay and help with the 30/98.

Bowen driving a Chrysler with utterly smooth tyres (the only American entry) also caused a good deal of excitement, and a fair amount of delay, as he failed irrevocably after the end of the observed section and could be moved by no human agency for some thirty minutes.

A special test at the top of Ferriscourt was won by Wrigley on a LeaFrancis with 17⅔ seconds, and other good times were made by Miss Wilby (FrazerNash), Foxlee (Alvis) and Heal (Vauxhall 30/98).

An outstandingly spirited ascent of Gipsy Lane was made by Wrigley to the nervous agitation of Marcus Chambers, appearing in the (for him) unusual role of passenger to the Lea-Francis, and Waters (Vortic Velox) left the road in an unexpected direction but without material damage. The only other clean climb besides that of Wrigley was by Barbara Marshall, on “Annie,” which now has new carrosserie in two shades and appeared to be entirely independent of string or adhesive tape for the support of any major component.

On the acceleration test Inderwick’s Batten was the fastest competitor, with 15⅔ seconds. but Heal’s spruce 30/98 was very close at 15⅔ . Miss Wilby, whose Nash had given up its second gear, went up at horrifying revs in bottom only, to clock 18.1, and Bowen’s Chrysler was slightly faster, with 18. Mrs. Dobson’s O.M. made very interesting explosions during the acceleration test and the transmission of Miss Orred’s 14-40 M.G. was clearly unequal to the occasion.

Colquhoun hopefully arrived at the top of the hill instead of the bottom but was reluctantly convinced that he could not perform the test in this direction. He complained somewhat bitterly of a persistently rising oil level in the sump of his Lancia.

The Trial ended with tea at the Plough, Cheltenham, and the results are as follows:


Harold Powell Cup for Best Vintage Performance: J. C. H. Wrigley (Lea-Francis).

Inderwick Cup for Best Non-Vintage Performance: Miss V. M. Wilby (Frazer-Nash).

First-class Awards: Miss B. Marshall (G.N.): A. S. Heal (Vauxhall 30/9); G. F. Foxlee (Alvis 12/50); H.W. lnderwick (Batten).

Second-class Awards: C. C. Tomkinson (Bentley); D. D. Clapham (Alvis); Miss K. Taylor (Lancia) R. Peaty (Frazer-MIA); J. Bowen (Chrysler).

Over twenty new members have been elected within the last month and a total of 300 is now well in sight. The Hon. Secretary of the Club is T. W. Carson, The Phoenix Hotel, Hartley Wintuey, Hants.