

In the ” World’s Midget Car Championship” held at the Hackney Wick Stadium in the past season, and won by the popular American, Cordy Milne, the first four places were _gained by the Skirrow-Special, whilst the Wembley midget record, erstwhile held by Jean Reville, was beaten by almost 10 seconds. They further distinguished themselves at Belle Vue, Manchester, where one lapped at 47.37 m.p.h. in 1 min. 1.6 secs., also at Rotterdam, Holland, and other tracks ; in fact, Putt Mossman, well-known stunter, motor-cycle rider and midget car driver of California, U.S.A., took one home where it caused a sensation at Gilmore Stadium, Los Angeles, the birth place Of ” Doodle-Bug” racing. They

are veritable dynamite wagons in miniature. It has always been said that given a sufficient number (and the nucleus does exist already in the shape of the Skirrow-Specials) of reliable and fast speedway cars there is no reason why this sport should not be well to the front at the start of next season, and offer satisfying :competition. Racing equipment is the A to Y of all mechanised sports, letter Z being furnished by the expert drivers’ display and the promoter who moulds the whole into an attractively organised and tense “show.” Unreliability has undoubtedly been the upsetting factor of ventures in the past. It is a wild and exhilarating sight to see a handful of brightly flashing midgets scuttling, tightly bunched, into the bends sliding and broadsiding. stri.v

Mg after the foremost position on their way to annexe the prize and point moneys. A description of the car is as follows :-Its chief features are a four-wheel drive and an engine that has been especi

ally evolved for speedway-racing. By experience it has been found the greatest difficulty in obtaining speed and control is the matter of getting sufficient traction. There is a limit to the amount of power and acceleration that can be transmitted through two-wheel drive and as this limit is too low to produce effective pace, four-wheel drive has been adapted. This method it has been found transmits the upwards of 80 b.h.p. produced by the engine. The drive is by Chain, each

axle having its own primary and secondary drive through two single-speed counter-shafts and clutches from a duplex engine sprocket. The type of drive, whether front or rear-wheel, has a great effect on steering control. Front-wheel drive gives the best control, as in an overslide the use of the throttle literally pulls the car out of the bother. Rear drive gives more, but the use of the throttle on the bends—where it is most needed—tends to cause over slides. Broadsiding in this manner reduces speed and control. The effect

of four-wheel drive is to retain all the advantages of front-wheel drive with the additional traction from the rear wheels. The Engine has been conceived and built especially and exclusively for Skirrow productions. It is a 50′ twin J.A.P. of

990 c.c., developing upwards of 80, b.h.p. It comprises two barrels and heads of the type used for speedway motorcycle racing and relies on the same principles that have proved most satisfactory for this type of competition.

If anyone is interested in obtaining further details about this car, we shall be only too pleased to forward any letters to the person concerned in their distribution. SPECIFICATION

Chassis : Wheelbase and track are 6 ft. x 3 it. 8 in. The frame is specially designed to resist lozenging and or whip. being of deep section and strongly cross-braced throughout its length. The independently-sprung hubs are anchored by a series of transverse springs.

Engine : The 990 c.c. 8/80 h.p. dirt-tack J.A.P. is exclusive to the 8kirrow-Special. It is a 500 twin bore and stroke being 80 mm. x 90 mm. Each barrel is held to the crankcase by four long bolts extending from cylinder-head downwards, and has its own single spark magneto and carburetter which latter point rearwards to avoid shipping dirt. It Is designed to run on methyl-alcohol fuel and devel

ops upwards of 80 b.h.p. Weight 109 lb. net, two magnetos 11 lb., and two carburetters 7 lb. Transmission is by in. x .305 In. chain

from duplex engine sprockets through two singlespeed countershafts and clutches (four plates) to both front and rear drive shafts. A fuel pump is driven off a cam incorporated in the rear countershaft. housing.

Carburetters are of the twin-float Amal racingtype. Wheels and Tyres are 20″ out. dia. X 4″ John Bulls with a bold dirt-track pattern trend, made

exclusively for Skirmw productions. The disc wheels arc of ir dia. and are steel pressings.

The Bodywork can be finished in any colour cellulose desired.

Weight 6 cwt. The complete vehicle is priced at. £.175 ex works.