

Information from Italy reveals that for 1937 the Type 8c. 2,900 B Alfa-Romeo replaces the former Type 8c. 2,900 A, and that the Type 6c. 2,900 B will be continued unaltered save for miror alterations to the bodywork. Last summer rumours circulated amongst the enthusiasts of Italy to the effeet that a new sports-model Alfa with a very lightweight frame, of entirely new design, retaining full independent suspension, would be introduced at the end of the year, but when the 1937 programme was revealed at the beginninyb of October, the entirely new car did not figure therein, and cannot be expected before the spring of next year. The 8r. 2,900 B model is a straighteight double-camshaft job with ” monoposto ” type engine. The exhaust tract is on the off side and on the near side two Weber carburetters feed into the double Roots blowers, Alfa-Romeo always having made a practice of supercharging at quite considerable pressures and of scientifically designing the induction system. Fuel feed is by twin electric pumps. Ignition is by a Vertex magneto unit mounted vertically on the scuttle. The engine has a bore and stroke of

68 nun. x 100 ram. (2,905 c.c.) It has a very fine external finish and runs up to 5,000 r.p.m., at which speed it is claimed to produce 180 b.h.p. The four-speed gearbox is of plain” crash “type, mounted on the rear axle, the drive from the engine being by an unjointed shaft from the dry multi-disc clutch. The central gear-lever is of considerable length. The dinerential casing is bolted to the chassis frame,

the drive to the independently suspended rear wheels being via jointed shafts.

The four-wheel brakes are pedal actuated on the hydraulic system, and the lever operates mechanically on the rear wheels.

The fuel tank has a capacity of twentytwo gallons, giving a range of approximately 264 miles. The chassis dimensions are : wheelbase 9 ft. (” Corto ” model) ; 9 ft. 4 in. (” Lurq.Yo ” model); Track, 4 ft. 41 in.

These are two-seater types, apparently identical, but actually differing in weight to the extent of 2 cwt. and having slightly differing lengths of body, the maximum speeds being 115 m.p.h. and 106 m.p.h.

respectively. Steering is by worm and sector, of characteristically light action. The excellent power-weight ratio, the extremely good weight distribution, and the fully independent suspension combine to provide a sensational performance and extreme safety under all conditions.

The 63 2,900 B is an imblown 2.3-litre twin o.h. camshaft six-cylinder, beautifully turned out. A single Solex carburetter is used, save for the ” Pescara” job, which has two carburetters and does 90 m.p.h. in closed form.

The chassis has a four-speed gearbox, centre-lock wire wheels, and sixteengallon fuel tank, and is available in different wheelbases.

The wings are now brought down to hub level and some very striking bodies were displayed at the Milan show, the Pescara job having a torpedo radiator and fully taired wings.

These 193’7 Alf a-Romeos are cars which certainly show the direct application of racing experience.

The straight-eight chassis costs roughly /2,035 in this country, and the sixcylinder chassis about .1:1,025.