Continental Notes and News, December 1935



Steinweg Killed

It is a characteristic human failing, I suppose, for the layman only to draw attention to the danger of motor-racing when a fatuous driver is killed. That the 1935 season has been happily lacking in fatal accidents naturally receives no comment. Again, it is curious that the only racing drivers to be killed in Europe this year were piloting, not the 190 m.p.h. Grand Prix cars which aroused’ such fearful

pi ophecies, but comparatively slow machines. A point worth noting, too, is that no driver has been killed while actually taking part in a race—although eight spectators were slain when Cattaneo’s Bugatti ran amok at Chkeau Thierry.

I was very sorry to hear of Steinweg’s death. As you know, he was practising for the Mount Gugger hill-climb, near Budapest, when he crashed. The motor-racing game can ill-afford to lose men of Steinweg’s type. He was a tremendous enthusiast, and devoted his spare time to the tuning and modification of his 2-litre Bugatti, which he fitted with

a neat single-seater body. He had no outside financial backing, which made his considerable achievements in races and hill-climbs all the more creditable. Steinweg was 47 years of age, and owned and managed a cafe in Munich. He began his racing career in 1921, and gained many of his early successes with a supercharged Amilcar.

.4′ Brooklands Races” at Montlhery

From time to time in these notes I have mentioned the A.G.A.C.I., the society of French independent drivers. Nothing much has been heard of it lately, so I am glad to be able to give a review of the society’s position in the words of its president, M. Jean Delorme:—

” Thanks to M. Letorey, clerk of the course at Montlhery, we have had exceptional facilities for practising.

” The refund, partial or complete, of wtry fees has been granted to our members in certain events, and we have organised a successful speed trial at Montlheryin place of the Fontainbleau event which was abandoned by the organisers.

” On September 22 we held a dinner which was voted a great success.”

After pointing out the important part ‘played by independent drivers in big races –as a secondary battle which can often be more exciting than that between the factory teams—M. Delorme outlined the ‘plans of the A.G.A.C.I. for next season.

” Since our speed trials at Montlhery were so popular, we have decided to hold ‘meetings at Montlhery similar to those at Brooklands, a series of short handicap races. We are also very anxious to arrange some races, confined to our memhers, as curtain raisers ‘ to big Grand Prix events. ” So far we have been able to stand on our own feet, financially speaking, but we want to extend our activities—especially in the form of a benevolent funo to help members who are victims of accidents. To do this, we intend to start a

Committee of Honour, composed of patrons and donors of gifts towards the society’s funds.”

100 m.p.h. with 500 c.c.

The halo-Abyssinia conflict has surprisingly little effect on motor-racing. Count Lurani, for example, was busy last month on the Florence-Viareggio atitostrade with an interesting little cycle-car of his own construction called the Nibbio. The power-unit was a Guzzi motor-cycle engine similar to those seen in the Isle a Man this year. Here are the Class I records taken by Lurani, with the previous figures in paren theses:—


• -.1 Mile (s.s.) 76.427 m.p.h. (D. K. W. Silton Special, 59.89 m.p.h.).

1 Km. (s.s.) 65.455 m.p.h. (D. K. W. Silton Special, 53.83 m.p.h.).

1 Mile (Ls.) 100.956 m.p.h. (De Rovin, 83.79 m.p.h.).

1 Mile (s.s.) 101.205 m.p.h. (De Rovin, 84.58 m.p.h.).

Alfa-Romeo Trials

More activity on the motor-racing front was to be observed on the Montenero circuit, or more precisely, the hill leading from the Carrozze crossing. Here came a group consisting of the engineers Bazzi (Ferrari) and Jano (Alfa-Romeo), Enzo Ferrari himself, the drivers Nuvolari, Dreyfus, Marinoni and Tadini, and last, but by no means least, the two latest-type 3.8-litre Alfa-Romeos with independent springing.

For two hours the drivers took it in turns to climb the hill of 1.450 km. As was to be expected, Nuvolari was a second or two faster than his stable-companions.

At the end, Signor Jano professed himself completely satisfied with the trials. The new torsion-bar rear springing is a great improvement on the reversed quarter elliptic type, particularly in regard to wheel adhesion. With the previous rear springing it was thought that the Dubonnet suspension in front would have to be altered, but with torsion-bars at the rear the car steered perfectly.

The cars will be raced next year in their Italian G.P. form only in races where speed is of paramount importance. For tricky circuits the chassis will be considerably lowered. For ” speed races” the new 12-cylinder engine may be used.

Still the G.P. de l’A.C.F.

In the teeth of universal opposition, the A.C.F. is going ahead with the plans for the sports-car race which is to supersede the Grand Prix for formula cars. I cannot quite bring myself to call the new event the French Grand Prix, in spite of the assertion by the A.C.F. that it will bear the name of its historic predecessor.

Roughly speaking, the rules call for unblow it spol ts-ears of 2-litres, 4-litres and unlimited engine cepacity, with “sports” coachwork, and running on a petrolalcohol-benza Mixture.

No Prize

For several seasons now the Federation of French clubs has given a prize of 10,000 francs to selected worthy organising clubs. The Marne G.P., the Comminges G.P., the Picardie G.P., the La Turbic hill-climb, the Mont Ventoux hill-climb and the Bol d’Or, each in turn has benefited from this donation.

For l936 the Tunis A.C. had good reason to believe that they were to be the recipients of this useful sum, but their luck is out. The F.N.C.A.F. has decided to hold a big rally next year, and all available funds are car-marked for this purpose, including that 10,000 francs.

Champions of Italy The Italian have now

The Italian championships have now been worked out, with following results: 1,100 c.c. B. Tuffanelli, 1,500 c.c. J. Berrone, 3-litres C. Pintacuda, Unlimited T. Nuvolari.

Two Maserati drivers, and two AlfaRomeo.

Stuck Leaves Germany for Hans Stuck to

It must be galling for Hans Stuck to have to leave Germany, where for the past two seasons he has been feted as national hero. On the other hand it was obviously impossible for him to put up with the constant insults to which he has ben subjected owing to Frau Stuck being a Jewess.

I believe there is still a possiblity of his racing in the Auto-Union team, but this is by no means certain. What does seem certain is that Varzi has renewed his contract with the German firm, in spite of all stories to the contrary. Rosemeyer and Pietsch have also signed.

Next Year’s Teams

With Varzi accounted for (I hope) the eiantle of mystery descends on the elegant shoulders of Chiron, and on the burly ones of Fagioli. The story that he will join Mercedes-Benz is still going the

rounds. Some say he has signed up. Chiron is always one of the most popular drivers at the Nurburg Ring, and would fit in with the team very well. “Carratsch,” von Brauchitsch and Lang have signed up. Geier’s future depends upon his health.

The Scuderia Ferrari drivers for 1936 will be Nuvolari, Dreyfus, Tadini, Farina and Pintacuda. It will be extremely interesting to watch the progress of Farina. ‘Tis said that Fagioli may join Ferrari, in which case the Modena stable will indeed be powerful next season.

And Brivio, what of Brivio?

Two Pleasant Functions cause of

Louis Chiron has been the cause of two extremely pleasant parties in Paris recently. First of all, ” L’Intransigeant” gave a luncheon, during which M. I.aurant Eynac, Minister of Public Works, presented the French champion with the Cross of the Legion d’Honneur. Also present were the French War Minister, M. Perouse and Benoist, Etancelin, Witnille, Heide, Sommer and Stoeffel.

Then a few days later Louis himself threw a party at his apartment.

Divo Returns

Strength is given to the reports that French manufacturers are to make a determined effort to regain sports-car race supremacy by the announcement that Albert Divo will race for Delahaye next season. Divo is actually a member of the Hispano-Suiza organisation, which has sportingly allowed him to race in sports-car events. Diva will have Albert Perrot as his team-mate

French Government on Subsidy

It has been the hope of French motorracing followers that the Government would come forward with a big subsidy for national racing teams. The Government’s attitude has now been clarified by a statement from M. Laurant Eynac, Minister of Public Works.

The French Government, declares M. Eynac, is fully appreciative of the value of motor-racing to the automobile industry, but it feels that any contribution it might make towards the expenses of Grand Prix racing would, of necessity, be only supplementary to the efforts of the motor manufacturers themselves. The next move would seem to be a substantial collection for the National

Fund among the manufacturers, who have so far failed to show their willingness to finance motor-racing.

A New Sweepstake

A sweepstake is to be held in conjunction with the Geneva G.P. neNt year. Preliminarydetails are now available, and

show that 65.25 per cent. of t’mi v subscribed will be given in prizes. The remainder will be used for building a hospital and for improving the circuit. The draw will take place four days before the race, when 20 ticket-holders will be informed that they have drawn

a horse.” To avoid any phoney business, however, they will riot know which driver they have drawn, and a separate draw, held secretly, will allocate the drivers to their respective ticket-holders.

The price of the tickets is 10 Swiss francs, at present roughly 13s. 6d., and the price includes admission to the circuit on the day of the race.

The race will be run in two heats, a r4pechage, and a final. It will be open to non-formula cars, in order to attract the bimotore Alfa-Romeos and possibly (“Itne American entries.

Circumstances Permitting I I

I hear that the Calabrian section of the R.A.C.I intends to run a Grand Prix next season. The proposed circuit is 3kdometres in loncfth, and the prize money mentioned is 80,000 lire.

Like most things connected with Italy, however, the future of this plan is depenOent on a happy outcome of the present situation.

Mount GuRger Hill-Climb

Fastest time of t he day in the Mount (=t11ger bill-climb, near Budapest, was made by Laszlo Hartmann on his Bugatti. The sensation of the day, however, was Wonderful ascent by Walter Baumer With a single-seater Austin. which was Only two seconds slower than the Bugatti. As reported earlier in these notes, the Ger

man Bugatti driver, Steinweg, was killed while practising for the event.


Touring : 750 c.c. Radanovits (1).W.K.) 2m. 51,57s. 1,100 c.c. Bossanyi (Adler) 2m. 25.49s. 1,500 c.c. Gal (Butratti) urn. 25.$1s-. Sports : 1,100 c.c. Feledi (Fiat) 2m. 9.31s. 1,500

C.(. Hartmann (Bilotti) lin. 47.78s.

Racing : 730 c.c’. Balmer (Austin) -1m. 50.25S. 1,500 c.c. Hartmann (Bugatti) ha. 48.20s.

A Race at Deauville?

There seems every likelihood of Dieppe having a rival next year. The Deauville ” Chamber of Commerce ” and the local motor club have got together with the idea of running a motor races and a cornminee is now inspecting a proposed circuit. Moreover, they have good reason to believe that their scheme will have a good reception from the Municipal Council.

Huge Fines Follow Chateau-Thierry Probe

The tribunal has now pronounced its belated judgment on the Chfiteau Thierry disaster, when 8 spectators were killed and 20 injured by Cattaneo’s Bugatti. There were two defendants, the driver Cattaneo and M. Victor Breyer, director of ” L’Echo des Sports,” who organised the hilt-climb.

The tribunal found that the danger of the event was aggravated by the fact that the cars had to brake to a standstill on the finishing line, and that no extra precautions bad been taken for this additional hazard.

Cattaneo was acquitted, and the whole blame was laid on the organisers. The fines were as follows:— M. Breyer, fined 200 francs, and ordered to pay 305.000 francs to the families of the dead, 7,000 francs to the injured people who have since recovered, and 87,000 francs to those permanently injured. Finally, “L’Echo des Sports ‘ was held responsible for the fines imposed on Victor Breyer. in English money these sums amount to well over £5,000.

This judgment is bound to have an adverse effect on French motoring events, for under its ruling the position of organiser becomes a grave responsibility—which, after all, is what it should be. On the other hand, Victor Breyer pointed out that he had fulfilled all the safety requirements demanded by the authorities.

Breyer is going to appeal.

British Successes

British sports-cars ran away with several prizes in the Coutle de l’Artnistice, trial held recently in France. Austin and Singer won two classes. Here are the full results :—


750 e.e. 1, A. Cbarton (Austin).

1,100 c.c. 1. A. Gaillard (Singer) : 2, C. 1,apehin (Shiver); a R. Hun (11.1C.C.) ; 4, T. Savoye (Singer).

1,500 c.c. 1. R. Delpech (Amilear); 2, A. Ronssatige (independent).

Another Motor-cyclist Convert

Another graduate from two wheels to four will be seen in action next season. He is the well-known Italian motorcyclist Tenni, who has arranged to drive a Maserati in smaller events, mostly in Italy.

Adler Breaks Records

Some very creditable endurance records were made by a streamlined 1,500 c.c. Adler last month at Avus. The car was driven in turns by Guillaume, Boetzkes, Loehr and Hasse. Two runs were made, the second being the longest and the fastest, in spite of heavy rain and a gale of wind. Here are the records taken :—

Record Week in Hungary

Several international class records fell during the record week at Gyon, near

Budapest. The fastest car present was H art mann ‘s Maserati, which covered the flying kilometre at 133 m.p.h. In addition a number of Hungarian local records were also broken. Here are the class records:— Class I (500 c.c.)

1 km. (f.s.) Moeritz (1).E .W.) 88.33 m.p.h. 1 mile (Ls.) skeritz t1).R• .W.) 87.6 m.p.h.

1 km. (s.s.) Moetitz AV.) 05,18 m.p.h.

1 mile (s.s,) Mocritz (1).K.W.) 68.49 m.p.h.

Mille Miglia Plans

Apart from a minor alteration in the route, the chief change in the rules for the Milk Miglia concerns the segregation of sports-cars into supercharged and tinsupercharged categories.

The Harmashatar Hill-Climb

Fastest time of the day at the Harmashatar hill-climb, near Budapest was made by Hartmann on a sports 3-litre Bugatti. Baumer’s Austin won the 750 c.c. racing class, and .4 Riley was second in the 1,100 c.c. spotts class. Full results:—


1,100 0.0. 1, Kremml (Acro) 4m. 13.30s.; 2, Brissatii (Adler).

1,500 c.c. 1, Kohner (B.M.W.) 4m. 10.1.0s.; 2, Mak rill (Lancia). 2,000 c.c. 1, Moser (Steyr) 4m. 6.58s.; 2, Noraes (Adler),

3,000 e.e. 1, Blum (Lancia) 3m. 55.70s.; 2, Gnat (Bugatt i).

Sports. 1,100 c.c. 1, ‘Medi (Fiat) 3m. 45.71s.; 2, Rohner (Riley),

1.500 c.c. 1, Wilbeim (Bligatti) 3m. 13.14s.

2,000 c.c. 1, Milvik (ring:MO am. 16 71s.

3,000 c.c. 1, Hartmann (Bugatti) 2m. 51.75.

Racing. 750 c.c. Balmier (A list ill) 3m. 0.0s,

3,000 e.e. Biro (Alfa-Romeo) 3m, 2.15s.


We have just received from the M.G. Car Company a copy of an illustrated review of 1935 achievements entitled

Action.” On the cover is a striking action photograph of Sir Malcolm Campbell in his R-type Midget, and in the pages that follow are reproduced a number of splendid photographs of M.G. cars in action all over the world.

Copies of this booklet may be obtained by readers of MoTort SPORT from the M.G. Car Company, Abingdon-on-Thames.

An Innovation

The photogravure supplement in the centre of this month’s issue depicts cars and drivers who have distinguished themselves in the principal motor-races of the year. Unfolded copies of this fine “doublespread” of photographs can be obtained from the Art Department, Mematt Seorrr, 39, Victoria Street, London, S.W.1. The price is sixpence, post free.