


The B.A.R.C. held their annual dinner and dance at the Savoy Hotel on November 8. Good food, good company and a good band combined to make the function as enjoyable as ever. At least 500 guests must have been present in the familiar private banqueting room. The toast of the Guests and the Club was proposed by Sir Malcolm Campbell, who was in the chair. The dinner took place on the night following the General Election, and Sir Malcolm seemed somewhat embittered by his defeat at Deptford. He suggested that Brooklands might be brightened up by having two

• rival teams competing at the track, one of them to employ methods such as he met with during his electioneering. Front axles half sawn through and nuts and bolts in gear-boxes were certain methods of getting even with a rival, while for mountain races he recommended disconnecting front brakes. Happily Brooklands as it was at present was far removed from such displays of sportsmanship, and he congratulated all concerned on the fine achievements which had been put up in the past year. On the outer circuit John Cobb’s record lap at 140.9 m.p.h. on the Napier-Railton had been raised by Bertram to 142.6 and recaptured by Cobb with a speed of 143.4 On the mountain circuit Whitney Straight’s record of 81 m.p.h. was beaten by Raymond Mays with 81.8 m.p.h. and now stood to the credit of R. 0. Shuttleworth with a fine speed of 82 m.p.h. The motor-cyclists were no sluggards either, and the outer circuit record was raised to 120 M. p. h . by Pope and further improved to 123 m.p.h. by the all-Conquering Fernihough. ,

Replying for the Guests Sir Archibald Boyd Carpenter made an extremely witty speech, so full of good things that we were unable to record any of them. In support was Lord Howe who paid high tribute to Humphrey Cook, Raymond Mays and the others who were responsible for producing and driving the E.R.A. car, a make which in a surprisingly short time had become a name to conjure with on the continent.

Mr. A. P. Bradley proposed the toast of the Chairman and Others, and included in his scope the voluntary workers, marshals, observers and so forth without whose help the track could never be run at its present efficiency.


The newly opened Houseboat RoadHouse was chosen by the Harrow Car

Club for their second annual dinner, which was attended by over eighty members. The principal guests were Lord Howe and Mrs. Petre, and Mr. S. C. H. Davis, the President, remarked that they needed no introduction as being two of the best known and most skilful drivers in the country.

Lord Howe said he was happy to be able to snatch a short rest from the turmoil of the Elections to be able to be with a happy band of sportmen and women such as Ile was addressing. He etnphassised the splendid training both for racing and for general handling of a car which the local motor clubs give and hoped that the skill of members on the road would help to offset the discourteous and dangerous driving which is so prevalent to-day.

Mrs. Petre confessed that she .found It easier to drive fast cars on Shelsley and Brooklands than to get up and make speeches, but her success in this direction was shown by the applause which she received.

Mr. Coyne, the hard-working treasurer and secretary of the club, reported excellent progress after a slow beginning.

Mrs. Petre then presented the awards won during the year, and the members adjourned to enjoy dancing and a cabaret show.