
“The Autocar ” has now published its analysis of 1933 road tests of eighty English, Continental and American cars, and once again the Frazer Nash has conspicuously the best all-round performance. The 1 -litre four and six-cylinder Yrazer Nashes tested have easily the best acceleration figures from 10 to 30 m.p.h. and from to 50 m.p.h. of ALL English and Continental cars, irrespective of engine capacity or price, and the highest maximum speed of ALL cars tested, with the exception of the 40-50 h.p. Continental “Phantom II ” Rolls Royce (7,668 c.c.) costing £2,425, and the Talbot” 105 “Speed model (2,969 c.c.)

costing £795 which has a maximum speed of 88.23 m.p.h. as against 8738 m.p.h. for the Frazer Nash with its high top gear ratio of 3.8 to 1.

30 feet from 30 m.p.h. is generally recognised as IOOJu braking efficiency, and the figures obtained by “The Autocar ” of 27 feet from 30 m.p.h. for both the 4 and 6-cylindot Frazer Nashes are, therefore, extremely satisfactory.

Road-holding is something which cannot be shown in figures, and anyway as far as the Frazer Nash is concerned it would be unnecessary. It is as safe on a wet and greasy road as on a dry surface—experts are unanimously and convincingly enthusiastic as to the roadholding qualities of the Frazer Nash.

Frazer Nashes have acquired an enviable reputation for their brilliant performance in trials, and successes this year have consolidated their pre-eminent position in this sphere of motoring sport, exemplified by the outstanding achievement by a Frazer Nash in putting up the finest performance of any English car in the 1933 Alpine Trial. “Motor Sport said ” the Frazer Nash team put up by far and away the most amazing performance of the whole Trial.” At the track Frazer Nashes have been consistently successful this year both in ” Mountain and outer circuit races. Ever since ” Mountain ” events were introduced Frazer Nashes have proved their suitability for this difficult course, demanding as it does from successful cars the necessity for road-holding, cornering and braking powers, maximum speed and acceleration out of the ordinary. Handicaps have become increasingly severe for Frazer Nash competitors, and it is nothing uncommon to find a non-supercharged Frazer

Nash giving an appreciable start to cars of much greater engine capacity, and, frequently, supercharged.

We have been successful in developing our o.h.v. engine considerably—a claim proven by the steady increase in average speeds in races won by Frazer Nash cars up to the last meeting, when a non-supercharged Frazer Nash won a Long Handicap at an average speed. of 96.47 m.p.h. with a flying lap of 102.27 m.p.h.with a standard two-seater body and no attempt at streamlining.

In the 500-Mile Race the Hon. Peter Mitchell-Thomson’s privately owned non-supercharged Frazer Nash averaged 88.88 m.p.h. and was one of only seven cars to finish, having an absolutely trouble-free run.

Frazer Nashes were conspicuously successful at Shelsley Walsh hill climb in both May and September, and while space does not permit mention of other major successes, we might recall the noteworthy achievements by various private owners competing in events in which we are not allowed to compete officially as manufacturers.

It is most important to remember that the Frazer Nash is not a racing car, but is built as a general-purpose car, to meet the requirements of owners who want a car capable of high average speeds over long distances and equally capable of putting up an excellent performance in any event—speed trial, hill-climb, reliability trial or racing. It is in fact the finest all-round sports car in production and the SAFEST.

” Individuality ” is essentially the keynote of its construction—it is a hand-built job, and the specification can therefore be adapted to an owner’s personal requirements, while it is built to stand up to years of really hard driving. The depreciation of a new model is negligible, while the secondhand value is probably higher than for any other sports car—points well worth the serious consideration of a prospective purchaser. Thoroughly workmanlike in appearance—everything on the car is there for a purpose and not for superficial appeal, while it is in all probability the finest equipped sports car on the market.

We shall be only too glad to have the opportunity to prove our performance claims to you—choose a wet day if you want to be convinced of its safety !

Please write, telephone, or, preferably, call and see us if you would like further details. Frazer sh Cars Falcon Works London Road Isieworth Middlesex Hounslow Doi I and 0012