
EXETER” two-three seaterf ast-touring model, ah.v. engine, £395 The ” COLMORZ” three-four seater de luxe fast-touring model, twin carburetter oli.v. engine, £495. The “REPLICA T.T.-ALPINE ” two-seater model (modified lowered 4 speeds short chassis) from £415 (according to engine and equipment,

chosen). The sugyetcu h arged o. .v. engine can be installed in the T.T. chassis. The ” NURBURG ” supercharged o.h.v. model (illustrated) International two-seater, from £650.

Of 82 British, American and Continental cars tested officially by “THE AVTOCARduring 1932 (including, it may fairly be claimed, the best known types of sports cars), the II-litre non-supercharged Frazer Nash easily led with the FINEST ACCELERATION FIGURES OF ALL ENGLISH CARS.

In givinglthe maximum timed speedi,”iTHE AUTOCAR” said, ” Any car bettering 85 m.p.h. in touring trim is a really fast machine “—only 4 American and Continental, and 3 English cars came in this category (out of 8’2 cars) and “THE AUTOCAR” added” EASILY THE LOWEST PRICED OF THESE IS THE FRAZER NASH.”

In a footnote to the “The Autocar” “1932 Road Tests” Analysis (probably the most authoritative guide published as to actual performance), the author says these statistics ” will serve, if nothing else, to confute the pretensions of not a few optimistic speed merchants” ! The preceding year’s tests for 1931 tell the same story.

non-supercharged Frazer Nash had the finest acceleration figures of ALI, cars tested, and the highest tinted maximum speed, with the exception of the 5-litre Bugatti, and the 8-litre Bentley.

The M.C.C. High Speed Trial at Brooklands (for standard production sports cars only) is recognised as the most important event of’the year of its kind. A glance through the 49 entries shows that every well-known make of sports car produced was represented—from 750 c.c. up to 4(litres. The non-supercharged 1/-litre Frazer Nash was the first car to finish, having put in more miles to the hour than any other car, irrespective of class—averaging 85.43 m.p.h. from a standing start, two up and fully equipped for the road. This privately-owned Frazer Nash had already competed in the International Six Days Alpine Trial, without the loss of a single mark—winning a “Coupe des Glaciers,” the highest possible award, and was also one of only ten cars (out of 32 starters) to finish the Tourist Trophy course only a few days later—averaging, incidentally, a higher speed than in any previous race of the series for a non-supercharged 1,500 c.c. machine.

Plain and unvarnished facts, bacted by actual proof, are convincing. We believe, rightly or wrongly, that sheer performance is the enthusiast’s primary object when buying a sports car, and cars of only superficial appeal, but a strictly limited useful life, are not “sports” cars, in the true sense of the word.

Thoroughly workmanlike in appearance—as distinctive in looks as in performance and design, the Frazer Nash is “different,” and maintains its individuality in direct contrast to the average mans-production car of to-day.

The outstanding successes of the Frazer Nash this past season, particularly in the Alpine -Trial, the Tourist Trophy, Brighton Speed Trials, at Shelsky, in the M.C.C. Members’ Day Meeting, and the One Day Sporting Trial, etc., have resulted in :a marked increase over average salesattributable only to the increasing reputation Of our cars for reliabilit , high performance and long life under the most arduous conditions.