

ANYONE who has tried to operate a portable set in a. moving motor car will have found that the volume is constantly varying, becoming almost inaudible under bridges and in the neighbourhood of high steel-frame buildings. The Ignition of the car also causes interference. These two disadvantages have been overcome in the Philco Transitone, which was tested in London by our representative. The set employs a five-valve superheterodyne circuit and draws its filament

current from the car accumulator, the field of the moving coil speaker being excited from the same source. A dry battery supplies H.T. The set is mounted in a small metal case under the facia board, and is controlled by two knobs or the steering column, one for volume and the other an illuminated station dial. The aerial is concealed in the roof, or canbe fixed in the body in the case of an open car. Tested in London streets and parks in the morning, six or seven stations were

available at comfortable volume on the loud-speaker which is mounted on the dash alongside the set. The quality was agreeable and there was no interference from the ignition or even when the starter was operated. The set was satisfactory in every way and would be a very welcome companion on such events as the Monte Carlo Rally.

The Transitone costa 33 guineas and the makers’ address is Pkilco Radio Co., 1, Argyle Street, W.1.