Oil 1s. 8d. a gallon



AWEST Country garage proprietor, advertising “Oil is. 8d. a gallon,” adds with disarming frankness “Breakdowns attended promptly.” The inference is obvious. In about a dozen words he has told the whole story against cheap, unbranded oil. It is because some unwise motorists

buy this “oil at is. 8d.” that the breakdown lorry is kept busy. According to the recent joint statement signed by every leading motor manufacturer in the country, “more cars are ruined by cheap oil than are wrecked in road. accidents.” Although oil at is. 8d. a gallon is con

siderably less than one-third the cost of the cheapest and lightest grade of branded oil sold by a big national oil company, the total possible saving in a year’s running of, say, 10,000 miles in an ordinary light car would amount to less than £2 10s.—about sufficient to cover the cost of an S.O.S. for the breakdown lorry!

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