Club news, December 1932


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Ihas been suggested that a Club party for the Christmas week-end would be a very jolly affair assured of success, and it has been decided to give it a trial.

“The White Swan” at Stratford-onAvon has been chosen as the venue and a party of members who usually spend Christmas together have already booked accommodation.

The Hotel is a fine old place over five centuries old, with a real Christmas atmosphere. It has ample accommodation for dancing, etc., and boasts excellent cuisine.

A full programme of fun has been arranged for the week-end and if there are sufficient members, the Club will organise something ” on the road.”

The terms are 17s. 6d. a day inclusive and accommodation should be booked direct with the Hotel as soon as possible, as rooms are being booked very rapidly.

Come and swell the party and make up your mind to enter into the festive season and enjoy yourself.

THE SCOTTISH SPORTING CAR CLUB. Scotland’s first Sporting Car Club is giving plenty of evidence of its virility. The new badge and miniature as tie-pin oi

buttonhole replicas are available to members’ and applications for membership have exceeded even the hopes of the most enthusiastic and hopeful members of the Committee.

Will the Scottish Sporting Car Club be Scotland’s big national Sporting Club of the future—who knows ? There is need for it, judging by the gratifying rush for membership from even the outlying districts of Scotland.

We should like to see, at a very near future date, a really representative team of the best in Scottish Motoring Sport crossing the border to represent the land of real hills, carrying the badge of The Scottish Sporting Car Club.


The annual Shell Cup Trial organised by the Sutton Coldfield and North Birmingham A.C. attracted a field of 35 cars, only one entrant being a non-starter. The first hazard on the 72 mile route was a special timed acceleration and braking, in which the star performer as far as speed was concerned was M. A. McEvoy’s Supercharged Wolseley Hornet. The stop and start test on High Oak Hill was not very difficult, although six drivers lost marks. Outstanding performances were made by J. A. M. Patrick

(Wolseley Hornet), McEvoy’s Hornet, and H. M. Avery (M.G. Midget). Beauchamp Hill, which followed, caused a good many failures, but Sandy Lane was easier, there being only three failures. The trial was brought to an end by a starting test and navigation trial, in which A. E. Carr (M.G. Midget) was outstandingly good.

Provisional Results.

Shell Cup for Best Performance : J. A. M. Patrick (Wolseley Hornet).

Allday Cup (best under 1,100 c.c.) : F. S. Barnes (Singer Nine).

Goodyear Bowl (best over 1,100 c.c.) : B. S. Bray (Wolseley Hornet).

Team Prize : J. A. M. Patrick, T. L. Langford (Wolseley Hornets) and R. S.. Langford (Frazer-Nash). First Class Awards : R. J. Richardson, Miss M. H. Lund and H. M. Avery (M.G. Midgets) : W. Whitnall (Morris Minor), P. E. Suckling and P. S. P. O’Hagan (M.G. Magnas) ; T. L. Langford (Wolseley Hornet) and A. Langley (M.G. Magna). Second Class Awards : R. Louglas Osborn, j. F. Kemp and A. E. Carr (M.G. Midgets) ; I. S. Macdonald (Riley Nine) ; Laird ; and M. A. McEvoy (Wolseley Hornets); A. B. Langley (M.G. Six) ; r

P. Sforza (M.G. Magna.