

UNDER a special licence issued by the Postmaster General, The Automobile Association will now broadcast eight times daily, by wireless telephony, weather reports and forecasts on a wave length of 833 metres. The information will be broadcast from Heston Airport, and the service is intended for aircraft pilots, either in flight or at ground stations. The messages are the result of observations at the Air Ministry Meteorological stations grouped

along six main air routes, and as the service develops it is hoped that the number of these stations will be increased.

The reports give the general state of the weather and visibility at each station followed by the direction and force of the wind, and lastly—of particular value to air pilots—the amount and height of the base of low cloud. The forecasts cover England, Scotland Wales and Northern Ireland, and give information as to visibility and the like

lihood of rain, hail, snow or sleet with wind conditions both on the surface and at 2,000 feet.

Messages have been clearly received as far as Newcastle in the North, and Exeter in the South, and to facilitate transcription special forms to enable reports and forecasts to be recorded with ease, may be obtained from The Automobile Association (Aviation l)epartment), Fanum House, New Coventry Street, London, W.1, or from any A.A. Office.