

A Hill Climb Venue Wanted.

T • irE Light Car Club are desirous of organising a speed hill climb or a

series of speed hill climbs during the 1932 season, but so far in spite of an intensive search, no suitable venue has vet been secured. yet been

John Yule, the honorary secretary of the club, has written to MOTOR SPORT asking if we can help in the matter, and, should any reader be in a position to put him in touch with the owner of a hill which, of course, must be on private -property, and which could, be used for the purpose the L.C.C., will be very grateful.

The club is perfectly prepared to consider any agreement that the owner of such a hill would care to impose, and to pay a reasonable fee for the privilege of Organising a real sporting event. Correspondence in connection with this matter should be sent to Mr. Yule, whose address is ” Kirkney,” High Road, Whetstone, London, N.20.

Tax on Old Cars—A Suggestion. S


S N a letter sent to the Press recently. Mr. Delpech, of the Triplex Company,

points out that the prosperity of the motor industry depends greatly upon an improvement in the second-hand, car market. As a remedy for this slump he proposes that when a motor-car or motorcycle is five years old its tax should be halved.

Most potential purchasers of new cars, he explains, have second-hand cars to dispose of. Owing to the second-hand car slump, dealers cannot afford to give sufficiently large allowances, with the result that thousand of sales are lost.

The biggest cause of depreciation is the present high taxation. When the present horse-power taxation was introduced in 1921, cars built prior to 1913 were allowed a 25 per cent. reduction. To-day, cars have to be eighteen years old—not eight as formerly–before a reduction is allowed.

He suggests that the second-hand market can be improved by halving the tax ot motor vehicles when they are five years o:d. The Chancellor of the Exchequer would, gain on the deal. More ears, old, and new, would be used, what little might be lost on horse-power taxation would be more than counterbalanced by increased revenue from the petrol tax, and more employment would be provided by the motor industry.

British Motor Traffic.

THE census of road traffri.• which is taken annually by the Automobile Association at over 100 points in Great Britain during a week of seventyseven hours, reveals this year, for the hrst time since the War, a slight decrease in the number of vehicles using the Toads.

In all 2,645,881 vehicles passed the census points, a decrease of 123,603 compared with those recorded in 1930. The return indicates that private ears have decreased by 65,104, motorcycles by 69,888, but industrial vehicles (in

eluding motor coaches), show an increase of 11,389.

It is noteworthy that despite the reduction in road traffic, disclosed by the census for 1931, The Automobile Association’s membership . increased by over 18,1.TO during the past financial year. ‘the following table shows the average number of vehicles passing census points from 1923 to .1931 inclusive : – Average number of motor vehicles

Sports Car Embellishments.

THERE is something particularly attractive about diminutive scale models of aircraft, and when made in the form of mascots they make a very pleasing embellishment for a car.

The Lejetine S.6. Mascot.

The Schneider Trophy winner, the Supermarine S. 613., with its wonderfully clean lines lends itself admirably for reproduction in model form, and A.

Lejenne, Ltd., who are mascot specialists, are now listingan ” 8.6.” in their comprehen3ive range. Cast in solid bronze, these mascots have a silver plated finish (chromium finish is 5s. extra), are in perfect proportion, and can be obtained at prices ranging from £1 5s. to £2 10s., according to size.

‘I he address of the manufacturers is :— 132, Great Portland Street, London, W. I.

The Wolseley Competition.

A,„()„..,N(., to Messrs. Wolseley :I(-)t.ors, the competition which they opened some time ago in which a ‘ Hornet ” saloon is offered as fir:A prize, has attracted an enormous number of entrants. It may be rememl-nred that this contest is being run on a ” best points’ basis—the competitor is called upon to select what he considers to be the ten most important features on the new ” Hornet ” chassis, and the manufacturers have selected 100 distinc

tive features of the car ; from. these Sir Malcolm Campbell, assisted by a committee, has placed in order the ten most important points. His list, which has been sealed and lodged at the Bank, constitutes the solution of the competition. and the motorist who sends in the most nearly accurate list will be given one of the new cars.

Anyone who holds a driving liirence.may compete, but all entries must be received by the Wolseley Co. not later than 7th December. Entry forms may be obtained from the company or from any Wolseley dealer. The result will be announced as SQ011 as possible after 16th of the in-mth.

For Boat Enthusiasts. •

LITTLE booklet has been sent us on the care, upkeep and mainten

awe of outboard craft, and, for the new owner and, potential motor boating sportsman it should prove of real interest and. help.

While it is quite brief, the publication contains a deal of information which should aid the tyro in, his initial stages of the sport afloat very considerably, and it is written by that exponent of marine motoring, Mr. J. W. Shillan, Managing Director of Elto Outboard Motors, Ltd.

Copies can be obtained free upon application to Shell-Mex, Ltd., of Shell Corner, .Kingsway. , London, V. C.2.

Trying Out a New Type.

St tME time ago it was Ituiounced, that a motorcycle of revolutionary design —with unit construction of engine and gear-box and car-type springing front and rear–was beingbuilt by the New Imperial Company. This novel machine has now passed all its bench and road tests, its final trial being in the form of a strenuous tour of the West Country.

The first three machines to come off the assembly track were seized by the works manager, chief tester and another member of the staff, wlio promptly set off from 1iirmingham for the famous test hills of North Devonshire . Riding :It high speed they soon reached. Porlock, Lyriton and Beggars Roost hills. These gradients, once the terrors of LondonLands End Trials, were ascended in middle gear, whilst innumerable stop and restart tests were made on them.

On the second day’s trip over the moors of Devon and Cornwall, torrential rain and a 60-miles-an-hour gale were encountered, whilst the machines were drenched. by waves during a rough ferry crossing at Plymouth. The last 200 miles were covered, at an average speed of 40 m.p.h.

This severe final test recorded no defects in any of the three mounts, awl the rid,ers testified as to the qualities of the car-type springing.

The prices of the new models have just been fixed at £57 fOr the ” 350 ” and £59 10s. for the ” 500.” The smaller machine is capable of 70 m.p.h. and the larger of 75 to 80.