Club News, December 1931




ON the 12th of this month the club will run the twenty-first LondonGloucester trial. Car members of the following clubs are eligible to compete :—

All clubs in the South-Midland. centre (A.C.U.), Brighton and Hove Motor Club, M.G. Car Club, Riley Motor Club, Light Car Club, West Kent Motor Club, and Women’s Automobile and Sports Association.

The start of the trial will be at Staines on the night of the llth-12th, the standard starting time being 0.15 a.m. The course will be approximately 175 miles in length and will follow a route via Abingdon, Cheltenham, Bird,lip and Stroud. The club points out that there will be no secret checks, while it is specially emphasised that noisy driving during any part of the event may entail loss of an award. Numerous prizes are offered for this year’s London-Gloucester including the ” Glou,cester Cup,” the ” President’s Cup ” and silver and bronze medals. Entry forms and further particulars can be obtained from the Clerk of the Course, Mr. C. F. Dobson, 19, Carlyle Road, Staines, Middlesex.


The Bugatti Owners’ Club have produced the second number of their little publication, known as Buganfics. This is quite a bright effort and is graced by a handsome cover in the official Bugatti colours of blue and gold. It contains reports of the various events which the club have held recently, and other matters of interest to members.

The Bugatti Owners’ Club has as Patron, M. Ettore Bugatti, while the President is Earl Howe and the VicePresident, Sir Malcolm Campbell. The Honorary Secretary is Mr. K. W. Bear of 5, Fenchurch Street, London, E.C.3., from whom particulars of membership can be obtained.


Early last month the Light Car Club rounded off the season by holding their annual dinner and dance at the Park Lane Hotel, London. The President, the Earl of March was in the chair, and he was supported by Lady March., Sir Malcolm Campbell, Professor A. M. Low, Mr. Cecil Kimber, Captain

Waite, Mr. H. P. S. Morgan, and Mr. T. W. Loughborough.

About 200 members, friends and guests were present at the function, and the proceedings went on until about 2 a.m.


The first annual dinner and dance will be held at the Park Lane Hotel, London, on Saturday, December 5th, with the Earl of March in the chair. Tickets are available from the hon. secretary, Mr. F. S. Hutchens, 12, Berkeley Street, London, W.1.


The annual dinner and dance will be held on Wednesday, December 2nd, at the Abercorn Rooms, Liverpool Street, London, E.C.2., at 7 p.m. Prof. A. M. Low will preside over the function.