

IVIL flying in this country and Brook lands aerodrome in particular suf

fered a severe loss last month when Captain B. Al Jones of the B.S.P., was involved in .a fatal aeroplane accident at Hendon. The 13rooklands School of Plying recently fitted up a ” Moth ” with cockpit hoods and special instruments for blindflying instruction, and on Sunday, 8th November, ‘Captain Jones, accompanied by Flight-Lieutenant W. E. P. Johnson, of the C.P.S., Wittering, was trying out the machine in very foul weather. It appears that as they were coming in to land at

Hendon aerodrome, they struck a flag pole and crashed. Jones, who was in the front seat, received such severe injuries that he died shortly afterwards, although his companion was only slightly hurt.

Captain Jones, who was generally recognised as one of the finest of instructors, had an eventful career, which started as with so many other men of his age—he was 35—with the War. He was a” 1914″ man, and served at the age of eighteen on the Western Front in the infantry. Later he transferred to the R.P.C., and near the end of the War, he became an instructor, graduating from Gosport.

After the Armistice when he was demobilised, Jones entered commercial aviation. He was engaged in various enterprises at different periods, and eventually joined the Brooklands School of Plying in 1927. Subsequently he became chief instructor there, a position he held at the time of his death.

Habitués of the track, whether they are associated with flying or not, will miss him very greatly, for his was a charming and cheery personality—one of the best. To his relatives, the Brooklands School of Flying, and his many friends, we offer our sincere sympathies.