Club News, December 1930


B. A. R.C.

It is announced that February 6th, 1931, has been selected as the date for the annual dinner and dance of the Brooklands Automobile Racing Club, and that this function will take place at the Savoy Hotel.


On Sunday, 9th November, this club, which was formed a short time ago, held its first run. Nearly fifty cars took part—a very good. show for the first event—and the venue was Broadwater, near Stevenage, Herts. Members then moved off over a well-chosen route, and reached the popular “King’s Arms” Hotel at Berkhampsted, where they adjourned for tea.

The honorary secretary of the club is Mr. J. W. Thornley, of 72, Streathbourn.e Road., London, S.W.17. An announcement will be made in the near future regarding further fixtures, and in the meantime the Club will welcome new members. The annual subscription is 15s., with a badge fee of 5s.

ENFIELD AND DISTRICT CLUB. The annual dinner, dance and distribution of prizes cf the Enfield and District

Motor Cycle and Car Club will be held. on December 3rd at the Abercorn Rooms, Great Eastern Hotel, Liverpool Street Station, London, at 7 p.m. Prof. A. M. Low will be in the chair.


A treasure hunt will be run on Sunday, 7th December, starting from Hadley High Stone, 1 mile north of Barnet, at 2 p.m., and the finish at an hotel 30 miles from London. The course will be over main roads throughout, and a social evening is being spent after the event.

Non-competitors can obtain the address of the finish of the treasure hunt by applying to the starter after the competitors have commenced.


A somewhat novel event replaced the usual half-day reliability trial of the Junior Car Club on November 1st, when a very good number of members assembled at the clubhouse, Brooklands, and took part in a midget-golf tournament on the course which has proved so popular since its installation a month or two ago. There were prizes for the best scores returned by a lady or gentleman, and some very good cards were returned.

After tea the party moved off to the Burford Bridge Hotel, Surrey, where a most enjoyable dinner and dance was held, concluding a very pleasant day, which was voted a complete success.


The President’s Cup Trial was held recently over a very sporting course, which included White Downs, Slippery Sam, Broadmoor Hill, Coombe Bottom and the Goat Track. Results :

President’s Cup : F. K. Inglis (499 Rudge), 98 marks. Silver Medals : J. W. Mellish (248 Rudge), 96 marks ; S. Pritchett (499 Rudge), 96 marks ; and A. J. D. Kiernander (247 S.O.S.), 96 marks. Bronze Medals : D. G. Christie (350 New Imperial), 95 marks ; F. B. L. Willis (549 Triumph), 92 marks ; and W. G. Jones (350 Coventry-Eagle), 91 marks.