The Mountain Championship


CONTINENTAL NEWS The Mountain Championship

NO one who was present at the Shelsley Walsh Hill Climb this year and saw the performance of Von Stuck on his Austro-Daimler will be surprised to learn that the Austrian driver has proved himself easily the mountain champion for 1930 in the racing car class. He took part in nine out of the ten possible climbs, the exception being the Mont Ventoux hill-climb in France, which clashed with the Polish event; he scored six firsts, two seconds, and once failed to finish the course. He thus scored 39 points, against 16 scored by his nearest opponent, Hartmann on a Bugatti. In the sports car class Rudolf Caracciola proved an easy winner. He set up the remarkable record of starting in seven of the ten events and making fastest time in every case on his big Mercedes-Benz. He thus scored 35 points, while the second man, Burggaller, who also drove a Bugatti, reached 14. The scores of the leading competitors are as follows : RACING CLASS.-1, Von Stuck, 39, Champion 1930; 2, Hartmann, 16 ; 3, von Morgen, 9 ; 4, Arco-Zinneberg, 7; 4, Hardegg, 7 ; 6, Stuber, 6; 6, Steinweg, 6 ;

SPORTS CLASS.-1, Caracciola, 35, Champion 1930 ; 2, Burggaller, 14; 3, Schmidt, 7; 4, Simons, 6; 4, Donnet, 6.

For the 1931 Championship the number of events which will count will be increased to 12 by the addition of a Spanish and a Belgian climb. The Italian event which will count next year will be the famous Mont Cenis hill-climb instead of the Maddalena, and the Swiss climb will be the Bernina instead of the Klausen. Those who wish to take part in the Championship next year must definitely enter for it, which will make the task of keeping the score much easier. The calendar for 1931 is as follows :