CLUB NEWS, December 1929



The “London-Exeter.”

THE prospectus of the Motor Cycling Club’s 15th London to Exeter trial has now been issued, and the date of this year’s trial is December 27th and 28th. The start will be as before from the Slough Trading Estate, the first motorcyclist leaving at 8 o’clock on the night of December 27th. The trial is open to motorcycles, three-wheeled cyclecars and cars of any capacity. An interesting addition to this year’s course will be the inclusion of a new hill just before the finish. There will be five non-stop sections—Middledown Hill, a hill near Farway, Higher Rill, Harcombe and the new hill near the finish at Shaftesbury. There will also be the stop and restart test on Batconibe Hill. Entries close on Monday, December 9th, and must be sent to Mr. F. T. Bidlake, 10, Park Way, London, N.W.11. Applications from prospective members for election to the club in time to compete in the event must reach Mr. J. A. Masters, 22, Norland Square, London, W.11., by December 2nd.

Sunbeam Club.

The third annual Yeovil trial was held aby the Sunbeam Motor Cycle Club on November 3rd, and there were 15 car entries—nine of which were light cars—and four Morgans. There were five observed hills and a combined acceleration and brake test was held on Bellevue Hill (Westcot of last year’s “Exeter “). Breakfast was taken at the Dolphin Hotel, Honiton, and the start was from Loscombe Corner at 8 a.m. The course—about 45 miles long—was inclined to be ” sticky ” and wheelspin was the order of the day. Hampton Hill was the most difficult in the whole course and something like 80 per cent. of the whole entry—including some 120 motorcycles—failed here.

Of the Morgans, G. E. Swift gained a first-class award, G. C. Harris a second-class, W. F. Mead no award, and F. J. D. Dickins retired. Among the light car entrants first class awards were won by M. B. Buckwell (Austin Seven) and V. H. Tusen (Fiat Nine), second-class awards by A. D. Taylor (Austin Seven), D. W. Biddle (Singer Junior), and Mrs. C. L. Clayton (Amilcar), and a thirdclass award was won by B. Cox (Austin Seven). C. S. Mitchell (Austin Seven) and C. J. Platt (Austin Seven retired.

Norwood M.C.

The club wishes to notify club secretaries that its title has now been shortened and will henceforth be known as “The Norwood Motor Club.”

Builth Wells and D. M.C.

The course for the Bancroft Cup Trial held recently was a comparatively easy one of 61 miles, the lanes and by-roads being fairly dry after the first observed hill, namely, Secretary’s Secret. Indeed, competitors could scarcely lose marks provided everything went well. All the riders completed the course, and the awards were :—Best Performance : A. Colcombe (246 New Imperial) ; 2, W. A. Davies (990 Matchless) ; 3, W. Ashton (347 Matchless).

Forest Gate and D. M.C.

On Sunday, November 3rd, this club held its first trial. Twenty-one entries were received ; there were no non-starters and the fact that the weather conditions were almost ideal contributed in a very encouraging manner to the success of the event. Results were :Best Performance : G. Stimson (Indian s.c.). Solo ; J. Scott (Norton). Sidecar : W. Boardman (P. and M. Panther). A special consolation prize was awarded to G. C. N. Chaplin.

North Wilts M.C. and L.C.C.

Recent activities of this club resulted as under :Rimes Cup : Individual and team trial held on October 13th. Winner : D. R. Winslow (B.S.A.). Winning team : G. Morris (Radco), A. Day (Sunbeam), and — Gray (Rudge). Rough Riding Scramble along Winslow Wonder held on October 20th: 1, L. W. Wood (Sunbeam), 2 ruins. 25 secs. ; 2, L. C. Newman (Briridlay), 2 nuns. 30 secs. ; 3, D. R. Winslow (B.S.A.), 2 mins. 40 secs. Beale Cup Trial L: 1, G. Morris (A.J.S.), Beale Cup and Replica ; 2, C. Thompson (Ariel), Silver Medal. Bronze medals were awarded to N. Barratt, A. J. Day and J. Edmonds. The trial, which attracted an entry of 17, was run as a test for novices, experts being heavily handicapped.

Malden and D. Mc.C.

Thefollowing results are announced :—Dorchester Cup Trial : Best performance, B. C. Shepperd (490 Triumph). No silver medals were gained, but bronze. medals were awarded to F. Gravitt (348 Cotton), Mrs. M. Vaughan (Standard 9), and H. E. Reading (Raleigh).

Half-day Sporting Trial : This event was a really sporting affair, the course consisting of cart tracks, mud tracks, water tracks and goat tracks. Bronze medals were gained by — Stockton (493 B.S.A.) and G. H. Goldfinch (Rudge-Whitworth s.e.). The gold and silver medals were not awarded.

Club plaques may now be obtained from the hon. secretary, Mr. L. S. Cornock, 32, Hoppingwood Avenue, or from Mr. A. V. Smith, 145, Elm Road, New Malden.

Watford Auto Club.

The annual dinner is to be held at Bucks Restaurant, High Street, Watford, on December 11th. and tickets will shortly be available at 7s. 6d. Make a srecial effort to be present at the club’s chief function of the year.

The ” R.R. Revenge” Trial will definitely be staged and executed on December 8th. All those willing to assist the chief executioner (Mr. Tom Wilks) as observers or marshals are asked to send in their names. Turn out on this auspicious occasion and observe for yourself the art of trial-riding as it should be done. For the benefit of new members it should be explained that a “Revenge Trial” is one that the members organize whereby the committeemen are able to become claimants on their personal accident policies, particularly in the case of the hon. trial organizer, whose life-insurance policy is carefully scrutinized the day before the trial and all arrears paid up toute-de-suite.