

At a Conference held at the R.A.C. on 2nd November, 1925, of organisations representative of users and makers of motor vehicles, the following resolution was unanimously adopted and has been forwarded to the Minister of Transport :

“This Conference of organisations representative of owners, users and manufacturers of all classes of motor vehicles, views with the greatest concern the suggestion of the Chancellor of the Exchequer that a portion of the revenue from motor taxation should be diverted from the purposes to which it is at present devoted and to which it was pledged by the Finance Act (1909-10) 1910 and later enactments of successive Governments.

” In the opinion of this Conference any such diversion of the monies of the Road Fund would hamper seriously the process of highway reconstruction, development and maintenance.”

The organisations represented were the Royal Automobile Club, the Automobile Association, the Royal Scottish Automobile Club, the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders, the Commercial Motor Users Association, the Scottish Commercial Motor Users Association, the British Cycle and Motor Cycle Manufacturers and Traders Union, and the Roads Improvement Association.