
to assist him before this, Lieut. Kidston’s first appearance in a big continental event.

Space need not be given to a.reiteration of his exploits at Brooklands, the familiar duels between the Grand Prix Bugatti and the Leyland Thomas having become regular features of the racing on the track, but Lieut. Kidston recollects the thrill when, immediately behind Major Coe at the Whitsun Meeting, he saw the Vauxhall crash, and when passing through the cloud of dust and debris wondered whether he would ever emerge to tell the tale. It is with some regret that we have to record that Lieut. Kidston is unlikely to appear on the track again, as with his engagement to Miss Na.ncie Soames, he has decided to give up racing, but doubtless he will continue to frequent the Paddock and to view the scene of past successes. Lieut. Kidston is a good all-round sportsman being quite useful with the “gloves,” is very keen on ski-ing which compares with motoring for the joy of sheer speed. Shooting and fishing are also among his favourite recreations and he often is to be seen with the fly on the picturesque river Wye. As might be expected yachting has exercised its fascination upon Lieut. Kidston, and he gets a deal of amusement from a r4-ft National Class Morgan Gyles dinghy.

As an earnest of his intention to give up racing he has sacrificed his Bugatti before the altar of Hymen, and the car is now in the possession of Mr. George Duller.

ensure a good chance of gaining the coveted award it is advisable, and very well worth while, to look over the machine thoroughly. A few hints may prove useful. For instance, the tyres should be above reproach ; they should be removed from the rim and examined for cuts or embedded flints, which often escape notice. When refitted, the utmost care must be taken to avoid nipping the inner tube, or straining the valve sideways ; while for such a trial the tyres should not be run at too high a pressure. If required, the engine should certainly be decarbonised, and the valves ground in on their seatings. Valve springs, and piston rings, should also receive attention, The contact-breaker points on the magnets should be cleaned and adjusted, the carbon brush and high tension wire examined ; while if there is any possibility of heavy rain—not unusual on “the Exeter “—greasing the vital parts is well worth while. Driving chains should be cleaned, and soaked in thick oil or melted grease, unless some oiling arrangement can be fitted on the machine. Wheel bearings also are very important, and should be well oiled and correctly adjusted. On many machines it is quite feasible to enter for a trial with standard gear ratios ; but in the case of low powered motor-cycles it is advisable to lower the gear. Many manufacturers are prepared to supply machines correctly geared for Trials work. Reverting to the engine imit, the sparking plug or plugs should be beyond suspicion, and fitting a new set before the start should relieve the driver of considerable anxiety on this score. The carburettor and petrol pipe should be dismantled

But, whether he is allowed to appear on the track or not at some future date, Lieut. Glen Kidston will ever be remembered as one of the most daring exponents of how a car should be handled and will live in the memories of our readers as a most distinguished amateur sportsman.

and thoroughly cleaned ; while if the machine has been in use for any length of time the control wires should be inspected. A frayed wire should at once be renewed, and in any case, all cables should be detached at one end and lubricated by means of an oil gun and a short length of rubber tubing slipped over the control wire casing. Beyond the obvious tightening up of all nuts throughout the machine, there is one final point. It is not advisable to set out on a long run immediately after the engine has had its overhaul and tuning up ; some 50 to roo miles should be covered at a moderate speed, so that the valves, springs, piston rings, et cetera, may have a chance of settling down to their work again.


In the interests of motorists, the Automobile Association advises that lighted matches should never be brought near accumulators used on cars for lighting and self-starters. It is not generally known that while these batteries are being charged, and for a period after charging ceases, a highly inflammable gas passes from the cells.

Recently, while a car was halted with the engine still running, and charging the battery, a motorist handed a lighted match to a friend across the car at about 18 inches above the battery, which was located under the front seat. The gas from the battery, which was uncovered, immediately ignited and blew the acid into the eyes of the passenger, who has practically lost the sight of one eye.