
November has been a busy month for this Club. The Revenge Trial was held on the i6th, and the Reliability Trial for the Percy Butler Challenge Shield was held on Saturday and Sunday the 22nd and 23rd.

The former was open to members of the Committee of the Club, and any of those members failing to start had to pay a fine of i. Additionally each starter was fined 3d. for each mile or part of a mile of the course not completed. It is only to be expected that a competition based on rules such as these, should offer possibilities of an unusual interest. A Club Silver Cup was offered to the competitor making the best performance on a car and a Silver Medal for the second best. A Silver Cup, Silver Medal and Bronze Medal were awarded to competitors making 1st, 2nd and 3rd performances on motor cycles or sidecars.

The Trial was run over a circuit of 40 miles, starting from Queensferry. The circuit had to be completed twice, the outward direction in the morning and the return in the afternoon. The Trial had to be run at 20 m.p.h., margin of one minute early or late being allowed, a deduction of one mark for each minute beyond that margin being made. Any competitor over 15 minutes late at any part of the route was deemed to have retired. Each check constituted a trial in itself, that is to say, a competitor checking in early or late, had to alter his mean time at all subsequent checks by that error.

Each competitor started at no marks and deductions were made as already noted in. connection with regularity of running and according to efficiency of performance. Non-stop sections were marked on the route cards and penalties were imposed as follows :for stopping, 5 marks ; for foot-slogging, 3 marks ; touching for balancing, I mark.

The Reliability Trial covered a distance of 130 miles altogether, of which 40 were run off on Saturday over a route starting from Bartley’s Garage at Hooton, running from Queensferry, Mold, Cilcain, Mais-y-Safn, Mold, and finishing at Two Mills Garage. The Sunday course was 90 miles in extent, the start being made from Two Mills Garage at Io o’clock in the morning and the route being Queensferry, Mold, Rhydymwyn, Ruthin, Llangollen, Berwyn, Bryn Eglwys, Mold, finishing at the Shrewsbury Arms, Hinderton. The timing was by competitors’ own watches and the average speed had to be 20 m.p.h. Competitors were given ioo marks at the start and 5 marks were deducted for failure on an observed hill or a stop in a non-stop section. 3 marks were deducted for foot-slogging,

for touching and i for each minute or part of a minute over the allowance of one minute each way at any ordinary time check.

In the case of sidecar machines, passengers had to be normally seated throughout the Trial, 5 marks being deducted in every non-stop or observed section where this rule was violated. A report appears on another page. The Hon. Secretary is Mr. L. H. Lumby, of

Saaton Road, Wallasey.


There were 27 entries for the Winter Half-Day Reliability Trial on Sunday, November 9th, open to cars, three-wheelers, and solo machines. Starting at Ilkley, the course covered 63i miles in the vicinity of Wharfedale and Washburndale, and though devoid of serious bills and splashes, it required somewhat careful attention. Kept secret until five minutes of starting time, it was divided into three independent sections, each timed and marked separately, with non-stop sections in the last three miles of each circuit. The ” King Bros.” Cup for cars was won. by F. Jones driving an 11.9 Standard, with total error of 22 marks, the other successful competitors in this class being : 2, C. H. C. Batty, 11.9 Morris-Cowley, error of 34 marks ; 3, A. L. Dawson, 11.9 Morris-Cowley, error zoo ; 4, A. Outtersides, 11.9 Morris-Cowley, error 105.

The ” English” Cup for motor cycles and threewheelers goes to W. Bradley on a 2i Raleigh combination, who had a total error of II marks. The three next best in this class were : J. S. Duxbury, 596 c.c. Scott combination, with error of 27; A. G. Briggs, 31 h.p. Sunbeam, error 65; and C. Clark, 4 h.p. Triumph combination, error 72.

This Club’s special reliability trial for the Brooks Trophy was thrown open to cars, three-wheelers, and solo motor cycles. The course covered about 8o miles, and a condition of the test was the maintenance, throughout the run, of an average speed of 20 miles an hour. As however, speedometers were disallowed, and as no mileage was shown on the route cards, competitors had to rely entirely on their own judgment of the speed at which they were going. Forty-nine entries had been received, but as a result of the dismal weather which prevailed when the event took place, only twenty-nine started. Out of these, however, no fewer than twentyfour completed the course. The winner was C. Thackray, Ilkley, riding a 311 h.p. Triumph-Ricardo solo machine, with a total error of 184 marks. Second place was gained by W. H. Harrison, Otley, also riding a 31h.p. Triumph-Ricardo ; his total error was 253 marks. H. Stephenson, Otley, was third on a 6 h.p. A. J.S., with sidecar, losing 272 marks ; F. Marshall, Menston, was fourth, riding a 8 h.p. Royal Enfield with sidecar, losing 367 marks.

The Honorary Secretary is Mr. J. H. Holmes, The Garage, Station Road, Otley.


The annual Speed Trials proved to be one of the most successful events held by this Club during the season, there being a total entry approaching 200. As is customary, a large crowd of spectators was present and, as also seems to be usual in the case of events promoted by this Club, everything went off as arranged without delay or hitch of any kind. Even the electrical timing apparatus behaved itself. Several new class records for the course were put up, E. Searle on a 490 c.c. Norton making the fastest time of the day and making a new record for the course. The course itself is a private road with concrete surface. It is both wide and safe

with a gradient having an average slope of one in twentyfive. The fastest time for Motor Cycle and Sidecar was put up by H. Hudson, riding a Torando-Anzani, and for any car, by G. J. Jackson on a Sunbeam. The Solo Motor Cycle time was 16 II /16 seconds, which is 71.91 m.p.h. The sidecar time was 19 I /16 seconds (62.95 m.p.h.) and the car time 25 I /16 seconds. Another record was put up by W. Hawthorne on a 349 c.c. Sheffield Henderson, his time being 20 4seconds which is 59.62 m.p.h.

The Honorary Secretary is Mr. A. B. Cliffe, Trinity Works, Trinity Street, Stalybridge.


The outstanding event of this month is, of course, the famous London—Exeter run, which will take place as usual on Boxing night, and the following day. Additional interest is lent to this year’s event by the inclusion of a new hill, and a re-starting test on the greasy surface

of White Sheet Hill. The outward journey follows the same course as has been customary now for some years, but the return now includes Honiton, Marlpits Hill, which has a gradient of about one in five, Hatway Hill, Sid, Salcombe Hill, Colyford, Axminster, Secktor, Marshwood, Broad Windsor and Beaminster, where the course which was used last year is joined. On White Sheet Hill drivers are being asked to start from rest on a greasy surface and to cover 20 yards in not more than 15 seconds. We are informed that a special prize is being awarded for the most silent Solo Motor Cycle and another to the quietest Sidecar machine. Members wishing to enter should communicate as soon as possible with Mr. F. T. Bidlake, the Trial Secretary, at 84, North End Road, Golders Green, London, N.W.n. Nonmembers should get in touch with Mr. H. B. Browning, General Secretary of the Club, at IA, Holland Mews, London, W. 14. The final date for receipt of entries is Saturday, December 13th.