

Many Motor Cycle Records.

As is usually the case, a good many motor cycle manufacturers utilized Brooklands during November for establishing records with their machines. This year the Coventry Eagle, Douglas, Triumph, Zenith and Morgan, all established new records for the particular types of machine in which they are interested.

Coventry Eagle.

R. Harte and S. Glanfield filled up by a long series of world’s records on 980 c.c. J.A.P. engine, Coventry Eagle Flying-8 with sidecar. These records are enumerated below.

It should be noted that the II hours record was broken simultaneously with the ‘0 hours and that is the reason why the figures for the two periods are the same. The sidecar used was a Milford, Castrol oil was used for lubrication, the plugs were K.L.G.’s, the driving chains Renolds, the saddle a Terry, magneto an M-L, tyres Dunlop, shock absorbers Hartford, and the fuel used was B.P. motor spirit.

Triumph Records.

Victor Horsman on a 599 c.c. Zenith and sidecar put up the following new figures in Class F (600 c.c. sidecars). Kilometre (flying start) 27.30 seconds in one direction and 26.40 seconds in. the reverse, the average speed being 83.31 m.p.h. Or 134.07 km.p.h. For the mile with flying start the distance was covered in 44.11 seconds in one direction and 43.13 seconds in the reverse, the average speed being 82.52 m.p.h. or 132.82 km.p.h. These are both world’s records. Subsequently Victor Horsman recaptured from Denly the hour record in Class C, his figures being 50 miles in 34 min. 5.88 sec., which is equal to 87.98 m.p.h., or 141.58 km.p.h. The ioo miles was covered in i hr. 7 min. 59.33 sec. at 88.25 m.p.h., or 142.02 km.p.h. In the hour he covered 88 miles 367 yards, which is 88.21 miles or 141.95 km.p.h. Further he made another attack on the flying kilometre and flying mile in the same class, raising the figures given above to 95.63 m.p.h. and 95.72 m.p.h. These, subject to confirmation, stand as world’s records.


In Class G. (1,000 c.c. sidecars) I. P. Riddoch on a 988 c.c. Zenith-Blackburne covered the kilometre from a standing start in 33.54 seconds in one direction and 30.24 seconds in the other, this being equivalent to an average speed of 70.14 m.p.h. or 112.87 km.p.h. The mile was covered in 49.54 seconds one way and 47.06

seconds the other way. Average speed 74.53 m.p.h., or 119.94 km.p.h. Both of these are again world’s records.

Six-Cylinder Sports A.C.

It is interesting to note, in conjunction with the description of A.C. cars which appears on another page in this issue, that the new six-cylinder sports model has been introduced in. a particularly interesting way, that is to say, by the establishment of a number of new records by a car of that type at Brooklands. Mr. T. Gillett drove one of these cars for six hours and maintained an average speed of 88.14 m.p.h. for the whole period, establishing no fewer than 23 class records. The car only stopped at the end of the six hours because darkness had fallen. It is important to note that these records were made on a chassis which is identical in every respect with that which is shown to the public, except that the gear ratio is a little higher. The performance is set down in schedule form below. For purpose of comparison the previous records are shown in the right hand column of the table.


H. Beart, on a 1096 c.c. Morgan-Blackburne, established records in Class H2, two-seater cyclecar with engine capacity not exceeding ‘,no c.c., covered the kilometre from a flying start in 24 seconds in one direction and 23.22 seconds in the reverse. His average speed was 94.74 m.p.h. or 152.46 km.p.h. The mile was covered from a flying start in 39.25 seconds one way,

and 38.07 seconds the other way, the average speed being 93.11 m.p.h. or 149.84 km.p.h. These again are world’s records.

The 9 and io hours records, it will be noted, were broken in 8 hours. Moreover, all the records from 200 miles upwards to 8 hours were broken, not only in Class B /s which is for motor cycles and sidecars up to 350 c.c., but also in Class F up to 600 c.c. These are all world’s records subject to confirmation. The motor cycle was equipped with K.L.G. plugs, Dunlop tyres, M-L magneto, B. & B. carburetter, Coventry chain, Hartford shock absorber. The sidecar was a Hughes, the fuel used Pratt’s spirit ; and the lubricating oil, Castrol.


Two British records were set up by R. N. Judd riding a 744 c.c. Douglas, when he covered Icso m.p.h. His record established in Class B. for solo motor cycles up to 760 c.c. are as follows. Over the flying kilometre 98.92 m.p.h. or 159.22 km.p.h. For the flying mile 98.22 m.p.h. or i5o.o6 km.p.h. In one direction for both of these records he covered wo m.p.h., covering the flying kilometre in 103.46 m.p.h., and the flying mile in 102.47 m.p.h. The equipment included K.L.G. plugs, Hutchinson tyres, Coventry chains, E.I.C. magneto and Arnac carburetter. The fuel used was B.P. spirit and the lubricating oil, Castrol.