Private Flying Notes
If one adheres unimaginatively to the ruling of the seasons, that one during which all organised sporting flying takes place is now over. There will be no more races until…
Top Row : Start of the Senior T. Ultra-Lightweight ; and a typical On the Left: J. G. Parry Thomas c ing driver and car of the year ; an opening of the Montihkry Track. On the Rig/u: The 200 miles J,C.0 Short Handicap at Brooklands. Centre : The race and the spectal the progress of the first TOO m.p.1
Race, I.O.M. ; Porter whining the cfpwd at a Brooldands meeting. nOthe Leyland .Thomas, the outstandOhe start of the Cyclecar Race at the
pace, and the start of the 75 m.p.h.
:.,11k: a typical picture, taken during i. Short Handicap at Brooklands.