

With 10 British World Champions (plus a curved ball) to laud in our special poll issue, we asked the best writers in the business to help you choose Britain’s favourite Fl hero.

Nigel Mansell always stirred up passions, as DAVID TREMAYNE makes clear in his very personal profile of the Brummie baffler. Tremayne was in the paddock for much of Mansell’s career, so he’s well placed to judge //Leone’s place among racing’s heroes. Meanwhile, COLIN GOODWIN waves a banner for Graham Hill, who began as a mechanic. Perhaps that’s why Colin feels an affinity for him, since he is as likely to be wielding a welder as turning out copy. Col likes to get stuck in instead of just watching, too, and held the Guinness World Record for driving backwards (104mph, since you ask). He promised he wouldn’t try that with the Ferrari 458 GTE we also asked him to test this time.

Our youngest staff member elected to thump his tub for our youngest champion. We tore ED FOSTER away from managing our buzzing website and organising our popular online podcasts to endorse a vote for Lewis Hamilton, the pocket rocket whose second stage has finally fired in 2012.

Speaking of second wind, the glory days of 1990s tin-tops came back in focus when deputy editor GORDON CRUICKSHANK peered under the knee-level bonnets of some Super Tourers those techno-marvels that posed as saloons and went like snow off a super-heated shovel. Back then GC ignored them because they were new but now they’re historic he’s fascinated.