
Number crunching

Sir, As much as I enjoyed Nigel Roebuck’s writing about the start of his career as an F1 journalist (June issue) I must correct him about something. Nigel wrote that 300,000 people attended the

1971 German GP, but this number is vastly overstated. According to Luki Scheuer in his book on the history of the Niirburgring the real figure was 130,000. If there was somebody who knew everything about the ‘Ring it was him. Besides, I worked in the administration of the race track and have some knowledge of actual attendance numbers.

One of the reasons for the unrealistic figures was due to competition between the organising clubs of the 1000km race and the Grand Prix. We already knew when the number for the 1000km race was published that the number for the Grand Prix would be higher… UN Waschkowskt Brampton, Ontario, Canada