
Simon Taylor

We like ‘off the wall’ stories, and you couldn’t get a more literal example than the GP car Simon drove for this issue. Actually, he drove it 40 years ago and it’s been hanging around since. The car, not the story. Let Simon explain; it might just ease the memory of being pipped at the Brooklands Double-12, where he entered his Derby Bentley but was narrowly headed by something French.

Rob Widdows

Readers sometimes think that our Rob is also Rob Widdows the racing driver. Not so, but he is so keen on racing that we bought him a train ticket to Liverpool. Well, where else would you go to see single-seaters, Le Mans sports cars and vintage greats? And powerboats. And biplanes. And a tank. Odd that our Beatles-devotee Editor didn’t send himself instead, though. That’s where the museum is.

Doug Nye

To be invited to drive one priceless racing car on the Mille Miglia is fortunate. To drive two sounds like an unfair distribution of jamminess. Still, it was Doug’s phone that rang with the offer, probably because the Mercedes-Benz Museum trusts him to look after its equivalent of the Elgin Marbles. And he brought both machines back safely despite a bruised stern and a red face.

Ed Foster

Ed’s been hustling the Editorial Elise (now known in-house as ‘Lance’, which cycling fans may appreciate) to so many places that we’ve had to let out his column a bit. It’s now four pages of race teams, specialist makers and any of the countless outfits who help racing flourish. Mind you, he’s not always faithful to Lance there are rumours that he’s been seeing an Aston Martin on the sly…