Nuvolari, the legend lives on


By Cesare de Agostini
ISBN 8879112902
Published by Giorgio Nada Editore, £29.99

Another Nuvolari volume. Do we need one? Probably not, but the little fella from Mantua still sells.

This new offering follows the layout of the recent Eugenio Castellotti book, i.e. a chunk of text (that is written by the same author) followed by a photo section. The difference is that we needed a book on Castellotti. Every paragraph added to our knowledge of him, and every image seemed fresh. There is a lot in this book about Tazio, however, that we have seen before, read before.

Please don’t get me wrong, Nada’s publishing house is doing great work, but where it scores is with its books that unearth new angles, cover new ground.

Maybe those don’t sell enough. PF