Rudd turns BRM around



I was very interested to see the tests by yourself and Martin Brundle of, in particular, an A-Type Connaught and a P261 BRM. We look after both types of car at Beaufort and thus know them very well, hence a few comments:

The Connaught was acknowledged as having excellent brakes in the period and also superb handling balance — as evidenced by Connaught A4, prepared by us and driven by Barrie Williams for David Wenman in current historic racing.

With regard to the P261, how many chassis types can race in 1500cc Formula One, Tasman and 3-litre F1 with success? Tony Rudd got it right and deserves credit for bringing BRM back to the fore in international motor racing.

The piece on Dick Crosthwaite and John Gardiner was excellent, too, and I think this new series is a good idea, giving readers some idea of what goes on behind the scenes. We look forward to Mr Cruickshank visiting rural Kent!


Mike Williams, Beafort restoration services