Rouen's end is nigh



Having just returned from a very enjoyable visit to Rouen and Reims, I can sadly confirm that the pits and grandstand at Rouen are no more. Additionally, the cobbles at Nouveau Monde hairpin have been removed. However, as you observed in your 1998 track test, driving the circuit is still a blast I really take my hat off to all those who pitted their skill and bravery against this fine track.

If I may make a couple of small corrections to your original piece, the “flat and featureless link road” is actually part of the circuit used between 1950 and 1954, after which the track was lengthened to 4.065 miles. The “swerving come marked on circuit maps” which you found is a relatively modern section that was added in 1972. This alteration was caused by the building of a dual carriageway on the northern two straights, although the old Virage du Gresil dating from 1954 is still to be found hidden in the trees a little way further on.

At Reims, the pits are still standing, and what a breathtaking picture of majestic decay they present. However, their state has noticeably worsened since your visit. I would strongly recommend anyone considering a visit to make it soon.


Peter Allam, Hurst Green, Surrey