Don't forget Salonen



I read your World’s Best Rally Driver article (April 2000) with much interest having put the job in the ‘too-hard basket’ for a local magazine.

If you must pick one, then Hamm seems a good choice. My outstanding impression of him remains being so smooth in a big Mercedes after the tail-out Escort.

Timo Salonen is missing from your list He has a fine reputation in New Zealand, his Peugeot win in 1985 being against Walter Rtihrl and Stig Blomqvist, who were both in epic form.

I remember, too, chatting with Richard Burns during a service halt when he was called away on a technical matter. He took the trouble to come back and find me and continue the conversation. I thought that was outstanding for a young driver on the verge of winning his first world rally. His name should certainly be on your list.

I recall, too, standing on a narrow side road, after a test session. Juha KanIdcurien came down, looking for a place to turn. I stepped to one side to give him room, but he caught my eye and did a handbrake 180-deg turn with me as the pivot point. Had it been almost anyone else I would have been terrified, probably offended, but, of course, I like Julia even better for it.


Scott Thomson, New Zealand