Fuel interjection



I thought Simon Taylor (Modern Times, July) was unduly harsh when he remembered F1 cars in the 1500cc era as far from being the most technically advanced’. In fact, this era saw the introduction of monocoque chassis technology, wide-tread tyres, multi-cylinder engines, four valves per cylinder and the universal application of fuel injection.

True, these technical developments would have taken place anyway and fuel injection had been around for some time, but the fact remains that they were introduced or became the norm during this period. While many people dismiss the 1500 cc F1 as irrelevant, I find it a fascinating period and have been collecting information together over the last couple of years with a view to producing an in-depth record of the period.

Returning to fuel injection, I was intrigued by the photograph accompanying Simon’s article. By ‘coincidence’ this shows Michael May in his smoking Scuderia Colonia Lotus 18 on the way to retiring from 1961 Monaco Grand Prix. The same Michael May who, as a fuel injection specialist, worked with Porsche and then Ferrari, laying the foundation for John Surtees’ 1964 World Championship.

I am, yours, etc. Mark Whitelock, Flimwell, East Sussex