The British Monaco?



The thrust of your Brands Hatch vs Silverstone article (MOTOR SPORT July ’99) seems to be that BHL are a bunch of greedy profiteers, and the BRDC are a bunch of high-minded intellectuals whose only concern is British motorsport. While I could not possibly comment on either, if it were true, who then is going to sell Silverstone to BHL? Is BHL making profits for shareholders any different than BRDC members making a profit for themselves?

The main arguments against Brands seem to be that it is tightly confined with little prospect of expansion, and that close proximity to residential areas will minimise testing opportunities. These are of course all true but they have not stopped Monaco, which has the same constraints in spades, from being the classic Grand Prix that it is.

I don’t believe this is the either/or situation portrayed in the article. Success or failure for Brands to host the GP will not affect the success or failure of Silverstone or vice versa. Years ago when there was a great deal less money in motorsport Britain regularly held two Grands Prix at two different circuits each year without too much difficulty.

I for one would love to see F1 racing return to Brands. It is that rarity among venues, both a drivers’ and spectators’ circuit.

I am, yours, etc. Ken Clark, British Motor Racing Circuits