Active Morganists


The Morgan 3-Wheeler Club’s 50th Anniversary Year has been galloping along. Following the appearance of 100 or so of these fascinating cyclecars at Brooklands in April the entirely impressive assembly of over 180 of them, as counted by Peter Morgan himself, gathered at Malvern in June for a birthday party at the Morgan factory, with 163 parked in the sports-field. Strong support was received from American, German and Dutch members, and many Morgans were driven long distances to attend. Pre-WWI cars, large numbers of inter-war vee-twins and some F-types, the last 3-wheeler Morgan made, up to 1952, were present and after driving-tests at Madresfield Court, an appropriate venue, more than 220 members and guests sat down to the banquet at the Abbey Hotel in Malvern.

Peter and Charles Morgan were not only very welcome guests but provided a unique touch, as the son and grandson of the founder of the Morgan Motor Company still in charge of the make’s destiny. Nor was that all, because on the Sunday the Morgans went to Stoke Lacy for a church service conducted by the Rector, who was assisted by the Rev A Murray-Leslie, a long-standing member of the club; the church was that of which H F S Morgan’s father had once been Rector, and the congregation of Morgan owners overflowed outside into the churchyard. Morgans were allowed to park in the grounds of the Old Rectory and so could be photographed in the drive of the one-time Morgan family home. Morgans attending included the ex-Ron Horton racer, which retiring Chairman Alan Lazenbury (he has served for 38 years) drove over this memorable weekend, and the events had the help of Peter Morgan, the Club’s President, and Charles Morgan the President-Elect.