V-to-C Miscellany, August 1995, August 1995


That great marathon, the LEJOG, is I scheduled to happen again on December 2/5. Details from John Brown, The Town House, Leigh, Worcester WR6 5LA. Tel: 01886 833505.

My continuing interest in the life of the late J G Parry Thomas has resulted in a fresh snippet of information about the great Welsh racing driver, in some patent specification of his, kindly sent to me by Geraint Owen. In 1919 Thomas lived at Caversham Lodge in Barnes, presumably after he had left Leyland Motors and before he returned there to refine the design of the Leyland Eight. Brooklands did not re-open for racing after the war until May 1920, but flying would have been taking place there before that. Could it be that Thomas, having designed the Leyland X aero-engine (Motor Sport, February 1995), had business there and this was his first view of Brooklands, at that time? Thomas does not appear to have been a BARC member before the war, and later in 1919 or 1920 he went to live in Preston, Lancs.

A reader residing in Copenhagen has an Anzani engine apparently used by Ernest Eldridge in one of his Eldridge Specials. He wishes to build a replica around it and requires data and photographs of these cars. Letters can be forwarded.