

I am always glad to know that events from the motoring past are to be re-enacted as closely as possible to the original, by historically-minded clubs or other organisations. Particularly welcome is the preliminary announcement that next year, on July 9, the VCC of GB intends to hold a run for Victorian (ie pre-1901) cars, to commemorate the epic (and virtually illegal at the time) journey from Micheldever Station to his home at Datchet by the great pioneer motorist, the Hon Evelyn Ellis. His car was the newly-imported, tiller-steered, Daimler-engined Panhard-Levassor. Ellis was accompanied by another famous pioneer, Frederick Simms. They had made the firstever journey on a horseless carriage in this country, averaging 9.84 mph exclusive of pauses.

The date was July 5 1895, the distance 56 miles. As long ago as 1973 I tried to persuade owners of truly early motor cars to repeat this historic run, to no avail. Now, largely through the influence of Malcolm Jeal, of the VCC’s Dating Committee, the VCC hopes to have a re-enactment in 1995. The idea is to use 30 miles of the correct route, finishing at Camberley, to avoid traffic congestion. So get your early primitives ready; Malcolm Jeal (0380 812649) has the details. The Science Museum has the actual Panhard used by Ellis but is unwilling to run it. It is hoped, however, that it might be a static exhibit at the start and finish of the 1995 run. It is car number 394, one of the few early lhd cars of this make. W B