Riley Sports Cars 1926-1938


“Riley Sports Cars — 1926-1938′ by Graham Robson 203pp 10″ X 8” (Haynes Publishing Group. Sparktord. Yeovil, Somerset 8022 7JJ £14.95)

 Here, as No 13 in their ‘Classic Car Series’ . Haynes have enabled Graham Robson to present a very fine Riley “browsing book” with fine pictures, and a colour section, all on fine art paper, the supporting text covering about every aspect one can think up — the Riley family, descriptions and data on all the sporting pre-war Rileys, extracts from contemporary Press comments, including our own, how to restore your Riley, with a chapter on which bits are interchangeable, the Riley drivers and personalities, comparisons with contemporary other makes, starting with the pre-1914 bullnose Morris-Oxford. a lot about the ERA connection, and the Healeys with Riley-power, and information about the various Riley Clubs Formidable!

 There are 26 colour plates and the thick glossy paper helps with good reproduction of the blackand-while illustrations. We are haltered to see whether you agree or not, that Robson thinks that without Press support. and particularly without Motor Sport the Riley reputation might have died away. Here is another book to keep it alive. published on the 60th anniversary of the appearance of Riley, famous twin-high-cam Riley Nine engine. W.B.


Almost any subject can be made the excuse for a book, these days, when such production is prolific and one such subfect is convertible bodywork on the more distinguished cars. We published recently in Motor Sport a review ot convertibles that are available on the market now, and which encourage open-air, fun motoring. Jean-Paul Thevenet and Peter Vann have applied the theme to a colt ee-table tome called “Cabriolets – Magnificent Convertibles Of Yesterday & Today”. In a big 208-page book filled with colour plates they indulge their theme, depicting openable bodywork on all manner of cars. frorn 1926 2L T Ballot to Pininlarina sFerrari Mondial Guathovalvole cabriolet. although some ol the cars illustrated look more like two-seaters and coupede-villes to me Ihe Preface is by someone called Gerard Asaria, the publishers here are Foulis Haynes. following EPA of Paris last year the price is £24 95 a. the book might be sent as a Christmas present to those residing in warm climates — W.B.

Motor Racing Publications, Unit 6. The Pilton Estate. 46, Pitlake, Croydon. CRO 381′, have three more new titles One of these is a £9.95 Illustrated Guide to all the post-war Cadillac models, by Richard M Langworth, which would seem to be of value mainly to American buyers. but nevertheless a very useful reference work to this complicated range. Then there is yet another Ferrari book. this one about the F1 racing cars from 1977 to 1985 by Piero Casucm the last in this threevolume series, priced at £9 95. as published in Italy by Editortale Domus itt coilaboration with the Liberia dell Automobile, and providing for Ferrari fans data technical cut-away drawings. photographs and paintings of these cars. The third of these recent MRP books is one about the old Ford Anglia, Prefect and Popular, by Michael Allen, very comprehensive coverage of cars which will be nostalgic for many, this one is priced at £10.95 for 144 pages and some 150 illustrations, of Fords frorn the Eight to the 105E. – W.B.

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Those who like to keep abreast ill motor cycling sport may like to note that two recent very informative titles have been issued, respectively by Motor Racing Pubiications anti the Haynes group. “Fast Freddie-, being the bio graphy 01 double-WorldChampion Fred., Spencer f, Nick Harris and Peter Clifford, with plenty about his machines, the Yamaha 11750. Yamaha T2500 Honda NR500. Honda 55500. Honda NSR500, etc The pictures are marvellous a. the Foreword is by Barry Sheene The price is £1195 The other book is all about Motocross and is by Frank Melling, with a Foreword by Dave Thorpe Written by a man who knows the game inside out. this one is packed with the most exciting pictures arid much informative stuff tot those wanting to enter the sport ol two-wheeler motocross, even to keep-lit information and pictures and much data on preparing the machines and making a trailer etc All for Me price of £14.  -W.B.