The MG Midget



Having read Mr. C. R. Barnett’s recent letter regarding his MG Midget, I have been prompted to add my own comments on the delightful little car. I was fortunate enough to own a 1,275 c.c. model for almost two years from June 1970. During this time the dynamo, clutch and rear springs had to be replaced, but this never dampened my enthusiasm for the car. Even when pressing on fuel consumption was around 38/39 mpg. and very little oil was ever needed. Perhaps the most endearing feature was that each journey was a real pleasure and not just a matter of getting from A to B. With sensible performance, excellent handling and frequent waves from other knowing Midget men one could be forgiven for getting the impression that here was something a little special. For the many people like myself who can only dream of Morgans and Porsches, I would suggest that the MG Midget goes part of the way at least to fulfilling that desire.

The car I chose to replace the Midget was a Ford Escort Sport which has now completed 20,000 trouble-free and enjoyable miles. In many ways this is a much more practical and useful car giving the same performance with good handling and a petrol consumption of 33 m.p.g. but somehow lacking that little bit of specialness which made driving such a treat. Here then are two rather good British cars which to my mind have little to fear from foreign opposition. To Mr. Barnett I would say, “You could do much worse than stay in the ranks of the Merry Midget owners” unless Lord Stokes has anything up his sleeve.

Finally, I would like to add my thanks to the many others for your most enjoyable magazine.

Derick Woods – Kilrea, Co. Londonderry.