Old car freedom



Having read the recent correspondence in your excellent Journal regarding our entry into the Common Market and Old Car Motoring, I should like to relate a little episode to illustrate that there are areas where motoring on the continent is much less restricted than here.

During the weekend, June 9th-11th our club organised, as part of our 60 years of Morris celebrations, a trip to Geraardsbergen in Belgium. Without any form filling on our part the 85 or so vehicles taking part, all Morris’ between 1923 and 1939, we were able to travel in convoy throughout the weekend, which included on the Sunday, a trip to Waterloo and Brussels. We had an escort of two vans and a motorcycle provided by Touring Secours together with four Marinas provided by British Leyland (Belgium). These simply held up the traffic at junctions and guided us on our way. Such a procedure in England besides being almost unthinkable, would have taken many months of form filling and a payment of much gold to the Department of the Environment.

On the Monday the main street of Geraardsbergen was closed to enable the vehicles to be parked for a thorough inspection by the local inhabitants. Which town in England would be willing to do that?

R.A. Chasmar , Morris Register. – Southgate.