Alfa Romeo experiences



I have been surprised to read so many carping letters in your columns about Alfa Romeo service that I feel bound to say something to redress the balance.

Having been the delighted owner of a Giulia TI since June 1964 I have nothing but praise for the service provided both by Rudd’s of Worthing, who supplied the car, and K. R. C. Walker’s Garage near Warminster, who do my regular maintenance work. I have already run this car for nearly 20,000 miles in a rural medical practice and had the most enormous pleasure from it in my everyday work and also on a trip to John o’Groats and back. I have had no mechanical troubles whatever and the few minor defects have been very easily righted without delay. Tyre wear has been very slight and 26 m.p.g. has been easily obtained even in day-to-day running.

I used to say that no one in his right mind, unless very rich, would buy a foreign car, but after this year I feel that it is very well worth the import duty for the joy of driving such an exhilarating little car. Your disgruntled correspondents must surely be the usual complaining and vocal minority and there must be scores of other contented Alfa owners who do not write to you for the simple reason that they are as enamoured of their cars as I am of mine.

D. R. Sloan.