

They still turn up, this month’s finds including an early Bedford box van in a derelict Brighton garage, a 1930 A.J.S. saloon in Kent, and it bullnose Morris in a Dorset garage. A Strang 500 stands in the open in Norwich. We are also informed of a 1927 Daimler chassis in Yorkshire, a B.M.W. with van body derelict in Bloomsbury, three sad Rolls-Royce in Leicestershire and 1926 Humber 8, 1927 Fiat 8 and 1929/30 Humber Super Snipe in a breaker’s yard in Essex, together with a saloon body off an early Austin 7 and some vintage commercial vehicle wheels, tyres and other spares, including a Stepney rim and tyre. In Salop another yard contains a 1929 Humber, a 1923 Willys-Knight coupé, and a dismantled 1933-36 International Aston Martin. Letters can be forwarded.