Statement from Lord Strathcarron, President, Motoring Defence League

I would very much like to thank Motor Sport for their tremendous help in launching the Motoring Defence League.

As a result, thousands of enthusiastic readers have already become members and the total is increasing daily.

In order to produce the necessary finance to achieve the aims and objects of the League it is essential that we have as many Members as possible. We hope that all who believe that it is a RIGHT rather than a privilege for motorists to use the roads, will apply for Membership without delay.

15, City Road,
London, E.C.1.

We are delighted to print Lord Strathcarron’s statement that thousands of our readers are supporting the Motoring Defence League.

The Editor and I are gratified at the confidence these readers have shown in Motor Sport. National Hero, No. 1 Racing Driver. Lawyers, Business Executives, Bankers, Accountants, Commercial Travellers, Bus, Lorry and Taxi Drivers—in fact, a complete cross-section of motorists are already members.

It each reader enrols only five of his friends, the League will have a million members, a force that will ensure that the Minister of Transport will have to listen to the League’s spokesman.

JOIN NOW and compel the Government to realise that the motorist has been “taken for a ride” for the last time.