Wot a Wyvern?



Amongst the high-ranking achievements of VWs and Mini Minors, I should like to praise the mechanical reliability of the now deleted Vauxhall Wyvern.

My father purchased one of these cars five years ago with some 10,000 miles on the clock. Since then it has been on the road every day and has been left out in all weathers. Apart from an annual overhaul and regular servicing, not a spanner or screwdriver has been needed in between. By the time the next overhaul is due the car will have covered 100,000 miles without a rebore and with the original pistons, which have been re-ringed once. The clutch is like new, and the gearbox still efficient.

Alas! There is a sad ending to the story; the body is detaching itself from the chassis. Rust is corroding the metal, despite all efforts to stop it. Looking on the bright side again, next year there will be a new car in the garage. What make? Rear-engined, made in Germany. What else?

I am, Yours, etc.,

Clitheroe – P. Harwood (eldest son of the above-mentioned father).