Two sides to a coin



Mr. A. R. Castell was most fortunate to have his Crypton tachometer replaced immediately when it proved faulty.

I ordered (and paid for) a similar instrument in February of this year. It was delivered on March 25th, and worked admirably for eight days. My road speed at 1,000 r.p.m. then changed from 15 to 25 m.p.h., so I returned the offending tachometer to Messrs. Crypton.

The firm replied, informing me that the instrument had been passed on to their sub-contractors, and should be back in my possession by the end of the week.

Seven weeks passed, and I wrote again. Messrs. Crypton were apologetic and told me they had communicated with the nameless manufacturers insisting that the tachometer be sent to me direct before “the end of the week.”

To date I am still without a rev.-counter, and it is fourteen weeks since the original order.

Good service?

I am, Yours, etc.,

Poole. – B. S. Beddoe.