"That car"



May I add another voice in praise of “that Beetle’s” service organisation?

When my secondhand VW was purchased it took the agent 12 months to finally agree to do something about the gear-changing, which had not been working satisfactorily. When the job was done the car was duly collected and driven the 130 miles home, when, with about 10 miles to go the transmission tightened up. We managed to limp home on the one available gear left. As the agent concerned was not particularly interested, I removed the transmission unit myself and with the aid of a friend took it up to VW Motors for them to have a look at.

They were most courteous and helpful, but imagine my horror when told that the back axle and gearbox were completely wrecked (due to the agent’s faulty assembly), but also imagine my relief when told that the agent would have to take the responsibility. I was later dispatched with a virtually brand new unit, with apologies for having been inconvenienced!

Since my original purchase I have kept an accurate account of everything spent, including garage and depreciation, and the car has cost me 3.95 pence per mile (over 39,500 miles).

I say, “Viva la VW!”

I am, Yours, etc.,

Weymouth. – P. C. S. Webb.